It's also possible for people to develop certain physical sensitivities that are exclusive to their anxiety experience. The intensified attention given to these developing physical sensitivities results in people being in a constant state of flight against anxiety.
People with anxiety often have threatening thoughts about new and unexpected situations. They think that due to unusual situations, their anxiety experiences will result in worsening and that they cannot cope with innovations and uncertainties. This causes them to follow familiar patterns as they are more predictable and predictable.
In order to avoid anxious situations, people try every way they can. This leads people to nothing but the fact that the increased sensitivity to anxiety perpetuates the anxiety. they lead to behavior. The 3 most basic reactions people give to anxiety are fight-flight-freeze. Avoidance and avoidance behaviors therefore dampen anxiety, but this is not a long-term solution.
Some examples of frequently avoided situations, thoughts, and feelings include:
Driving in unknown places
Speaking in public
Being alone at home
Thoughts about harming, causing death, injuring
Catastrophizing that bad things will happen to loved ones thoughts
Heart palpitations
Shortness of breath
Feeling of pressure in the chest
Relief from bad feelings usually caused by the experience of anxiety in such situations We turn to reassuring behaviors or thoughts on behalf of ourselves. Behavioral and cognitive examples of escapism and avoidance, which are common among reassurance-seeking behaviors, are:
Getting away when noticing the first signs of anxiety
Carrying anti-anxiety medication, having water or other food/drink ready
Accompanied by a family or friend group in case of anxiety
Singing, listening to music, or whistling to oneself
Trying to engage in controlled breathing
Lying down and resting
Playing with and holding objects
Thinking about something more positive or calming
Thinking that you are in a safe and peaceful place
Trying to convince yourself that you are not really feeling anxious
Focusing on the task/work in progress
Criticizing oneself for feeling anxious
Confidence-seeking behaviors prevent us from making sound judgments about the situation that worries us and leads us to anxious thoughts. This essentially prevents us from seeing the distortions in our perception of threat and danger, causing us to take refuge in reassuring behaviors and continue them. Ultimately, we unrealistically tend to eliminate all situations that we think pose a risk. If you experience this and a similar situation, it can be difficult to fight on your own. It will be practical for you to apply for expert support in this regard.
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