Nutritional Supplements During Pregnancy

The body's needs increase during pregnancy. In a pregnant individual who does not meet the needs, problems arise due to nutrient deficiencies.

The pregnant individual should first continue her pregnancy with a special nutrition program that includes various and healthy foods. Additional supplements may be required along with the doctor's control, tests and symptoms if experienced.

Supplements that are especially necessary during pregnancy:

Folic acid intake during pregnancy is important, especially in the first 3 months. Because the baby's brain and spinal cord system develops together with the neural tube in the mother in the first 3 months. If the mother's folic acid level is not sufficient, neural tube defects may occur and problems may occur in the baby. In addition, it is also necessary to reduce the risk of congenital problems such as cleft palate and heart. Daily intake of at least 400 mg of folic acid is required for pregnant individuals.

Maternal blood volume during pregnancy is approximately It increases by 50. Accordingly, the need for iron also increases. Iron is needed to carry oxygen in the blood, and iron is needed for the baby to receive oxygen and develop healthily. Pregnant individuals with anemia can take high-dose iron supplements prescribed by a physician. Those who do not have iron deficiency can meet it through diet. Daily iron need of pregnant individuals is 27 mg.

Fish oil is important for the baby's brain development. It contains EPA and DHA, two essential fatty acids that are absolutely necessary for health.

Although observational studies have shown improvements in the baby's cognitive function using fish oil during pregnancy, some controlled studies have shown no consistent benefit.

Salmon, at least 2 or 3 times a week, to meet DHA and EPA intake. Fish with low mercury content, such as sardines, should be consumed. Sea fish, not farm fish, should not be consumed. Because farmed fish do not contain enough nutrients.

Magnesium is essential in the human body's systems such as muscle, nerve and immunity. plays a very important role. Magnesium supplement during pregnancy It increases the risk of diabetes, chronic high blood pressure and premature birth.

Some studies show that magnesium supplementation will reduce the risk of these conditions, but we do not have a clear result.

Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy; It has been associated with cesarean section, preeclampsia, premature birth and gestational diabetes.

The physician should check vitamin D with pregnancy screening tests and supplement it if it is deficient.

The need for calcium increases during pregnancy. In its deficiencybone development in the baby may be impaired, and it may cause bone softening and tooth decay in the mother.

It is considered appropriate for a pregnant woman to take 500 mg/day calcium in addition to her daily requirement. The increased need for calcium can be met through diet and from natural sources. However, especially in vegetarian pregnant women, deficiency may occur due to low vitamin D levels. In such cases, supplementation may be required under the supervision of a doctor.

Due to vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy, megaloblastic anemia, structural anomalies and problems in the nervous system occur. Its nutritional sources are only animal foods and are not found in plant foods. Accordingly, pregnant women who are vegetarian or have limited access to animal foods may need supplements under the supervision of a doctor.


As I said at the beginning of my article, the needs should first be met naturally, that is, with an adequate and balanced diet. If it is not sufficient through nutrition or if the body cannot use the relevant nutrient, tests must be performed by the physician and the necessary supplements must be given.


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