Middle Ear Ventilation and Tube Application

The ear is divided into three parts. The outer ear is the part from the pinna to the eardrum. The middle
ear is behind the eardrum, and the inner ear is further inside. Although ear infections can occur in all parts of the ear, they are most commonly seen in the middle ear. Ear infections are caused by
bacteria or viruses.

Children and Ear Infections
The Eustachian tube is a very thin
tube between the middle ear and the nasal cavity, which helps the middle ear to ventilate. In children, this tube is not fully developed, so it cannot do its job properly. This
poor function makes it easier for children to get otitis media. In addition,
in children, the 'adenoid' in the nasal cavity can sometimes grow and block the mouth of the Eustachian tube.

Treatment of ear infections

Most ear infections are cured with antibiotics. However, sometimes if there is persistent fluid behind the eardrum, that is, in the middle ear
space, or if medications do not prevent the disease from recurring, surgery may be required.

Operation for Ear Infections

“Tympanotomy” is the removal of the eardrum It is an operation in which the patient is examined under a microscope. A small incision is made in the eardrum to drain the fluid collected in the middle ear. After the fluid is drained, a very small ventilation tube is attached to the membrane because the blocked eustachian tube cannot do its job. This procedure allows the Eustachian tube to grow and develop without recurrent inflammation.

Operation day

Pre-operation: The child's anxiety is reduced by explaining what will be done in the operation room.
Anesthesia: Anesthesia (narcosis) is a branch of science that allows patients to undergo surgery without feeling pain.
Do not be afraid of anesthesia.
Post-operation: After the operation, the person stays in his room for a specified time. Depending on the general condition of the operation and the patient, the patient may be discharged on the same day or the following days.

First Two Weeks After the Operation

Pain: Pain as a result of insertion of a ventilation tube into the eardrum, It is very rare. When there is pain,
take the recommended pain reliever. Do not use aspirin or other medications containing it, because it may cause bleeding. s. During this period, your doctor will check your child.

Diet: A slight sensitivity in the stomach may occur after anesthesia. In the first 24 hours after the operation, juicy and soft foods provide comfort.

Dizziness: Rarely, a slight dizziness may occur. In case of dizziness or dizziness, notify your doctor.

Discharge: Although not usually present, a small amount of bloody discharge may come from the ear.

Physical exercise: Children, daily They can return to their movements very quickly.

Removal of the tubes: The tubes usually fall out on their own within 6 to 12 months. During this period
, the Eustachian tube develops enough to function. If ear infections begin to reoccur, the tubes
can be reinserted.

Care of the tubes: Since the surface pressure inside the tubes is high, liquid cannot pass through the tubes during normal bathing or swimming. However, if diving deeply or staying in water for a long time and swallowing during this period, the ear must be blocked with a plug or Vaseline cotton.

Recovery process: It takes approximately 2-3 days to fully recover from the effect of the operation. Some days may be easier than others. In general, it feels better every day

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