Lisping is the commonly used name among the public for an articulation disorder. Lisping is the inability to pronounce letters clearly and to pronounce them clearly.
How to Understand?
Each letter has an expected age for its correct and understandable expression. . Every child should be able to pronounce these letters correctly when they reach a certain age. If the child grows up but cannot speak like his peers, then he has a lisp.
How Does Letter Development Happen in Children?
A newborn child makes crying and babbling sounds. These sounds are primitive sounds and do not require learning. Babies are born with the structural ability to make crying and babbling sounds. As they grow up, they begin to learn new sounds, imitate them, and more conscious sounds emerge. Words consisting of phonemes such as B, M, D are derived. Like father, mama, dada, these are the easiest phonemes to articulate. Meanwhile, the child has started to be 12-24 months old. When 30-36 months are over, the child learns the C, Ç phonemes and forms words with them. At the age of 48 months, the phonemes K, S, Ş are learned. It is expected that the R and L phonemes will be produced around the age of 6. For V and Z phonemes, it can be waited until the age of 7-8.
Of course, not every child is expected to gain the same language development in the same period. While some children can articulate letters easily, others can articulate them later. For some children, speech therapy may be required to eliminate the lisp.
Why Does the Lisp Occur?
- Hearing Loss: Hearing loss is a very common and easy cause of lisp. Since the child does not hear a letter, he cannot learn its correct expression. If a child has a lisp, a hearing test must be done.
- Attention deficit hyperactivity: Some children do not look at the face of the speaker or listen to what is being said because they are very active and careless. Therefore it is distorted and cannot be understood. Language and speech disorders are also common in children with this disorder.
- Learning Problems:Children with low intelligence level, IQ, and poor learning skills cannot learn language, like many other things. Even if they develop a language with a distorted simple i, they can still experience a letter disorder.
- Autism,Dow It is also common in children with n, oral and facial anomalies.
Whatever the reason, if a child has a letter problem at the age of 4, he/she must undergospeech therapymust be started.
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