What is Orthodontics?
Orthodontics is the specialty of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. Orthodontics derives from the Latin words "ortos" and "dontos".
Who is an orthodontist?
Orthodontist, who diagnoses tooth and jaw disorders He is a specialist dentist who prevents and treats. In order to become an Orthodontist in our country, it is necessary to complete a specialty or doctoral program that can take four years or more, after five years of dental education. During this training, the orthodontist learns the necessary information to control tooth movement (orthodontics) and direct facial development (jaw and facial orthopedics).
What are the factors in the formation of orthodontic problems?
Conservative dentistry; Decays in milk teeth may not be treated with the logic of "it will change anyway", teeth may have been pulled out before time, flouring and fissure protective applications may have been ignored.
Genetic factors: Many orthodontic problems are hereditary. In this case, the emergence of orthodontic problems is inevitable. What needs to be done is; To take the child to regular physician control, starting from the primary dentition period.
The presence of tonsillitis, nose and adenoids; Causes such as continuous mouth breathing can prevent the formation of the jaw bones.
Bad habits such as thumb sucking, using a pacifier or bottle for a long time, tongue sucking, lip sucking, pencil biting can also affect teeth and teeth. It can cause orthodontic disorders in the jaw structures.
Every child should be examined orthodontically after the age of 7.
In general, when Orthodontics is mentioned, the children in the adolescence period first. comes to mind. Indeed, most patients begin orthodontic treatment between the ages of 9 and 14. At the age of 7, both milk and permanent teeth begin to appear in the mouth. The orthodontist can detect problems with the erupting teeth and jaws during this period. This is important because some problems are more easily resolved at an early age. Even if your child's teeth look good, the orthodontist may see a different problem. An examination assessing your child's bite
What if my child is older?
If he is over 7 years old, he should be examined immediately. Normally, active orthodontic treatment begins between the ages of 9-14.
It is not too late to start
Treatment can be successful at any age. Today, one out of every 5 patients is 18 years old and older. is above. Smaller, less visible brackets and appliances are more pleasant for adults. Healthy teeth, bones and gingiva respond well to orthodontic treatment at any age. If there is a skeletal problem, the treatment of these disorders can be corrected with orthopedic treatment approaches until the end of adolescence. In the adult period, such skeletal problems can be corrected with orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment. Sometimes when parents get their children treated, they also want to have their own teeth fixed. The fact is that braces improve a person's smile and increase self-confidence at any age.
Good oral care starts at an early age
After all primary teeth eruption, they should be checked by a physician. must go. Early childhood is the best time to inculcate good dental care habits. Milk teeth start to erupt in a certain order from the 6th month after birth, and in a child of approximately 2.5 years, all milk teeth will have erupted. A total of 20 milk teeth in the lower and upper jaw continue to remain in the mouth until the age of 6 years. From this period until the age of 12, all milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth in turn. During this period of change, major caries and early loss of primary teeth can cause crowding and impaction of permanent teeth as a result of the movement of the posterior teeth into these spaces. Therefore, it is very important that the primary teeth stay in the mouth in a healthy way.
With early treatment, your orthodontist;
Can direct the growth of the jaws,
Reduces the risk of trauma by straightening the anterior teeth,
Can correct bad oral habits,
Can increase appearance and self-confidence,
Apply treatments that will guide permanent teeth to erupt properly,
D can improve lip occlusion,
Even if your child's teeth look good, the orthodontist may see a different problem.
Even if there is a problem, your orthodontist may not offer immediate treatment. Your doctor can take a wait-and-see approach, and the growth and development of the teeth, jaws and face can be followed from time to time with controls. Patients who need treatment to get the best results have an ideal treatment initiation age. Early interventions prevent problems from growing and make the treatment process easier later on. Typically, in early treatments, removable appliances are placed, bone growth is directed, and a suitable environment is created for permanent teeth.
Symptoms of wrong bite
It is easy to understand when your child has orthodontic problems is not. Even if the teeth look straight, there may be a bite problem and therefore should be examined by an orthodontist before the age of 7.
Here are some tips:
Premature or late loss of milk teeth
Difficulty biting and chewing
Mouth breathing
Finger sucking
Crossed, unerupted teeth
Having the jaws too far forward or back
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Bitting the cheek or palate
Missing or incorrect contact of the upper and lower teeth
An unstable face image
Teeth grinding and clenching
Why is the treatment so difficult? important?
Orthodontic treatment, by correcting the crowding in the teeth and the incompatibility between the jaws; It is not only for aesthetics, but also helps to prevent possible future gum diseases and problems in the lower jaw joint, as well as to correct chewing function and impaired speech. contains techniques. Depending on the orthodontic problem in the mouth, treatments can be performed with removable appliances, functional appliances and fixed appliances. Orthodontic problems that are not too complicated, can be attached and removed by the patient. It can be solved with movable appliances, which are tools consisting of plastic bead holders and wires. Tools that help the jaws to develop in a certain direction, called functional appliances, are used in the growth-development period for insufficient development and excessive development of the lower or upper jaw. Fixed appliances, which have recently taken a larger place in orthodontic treatment, have an effect with the philosophy that the wires placed in the grooves on the tools called brackets that are attached to the teeth move the teeth. Apart from these basic appliances, there are many more auxiliary appliances. The most commonly used ones are extraoral appliances, especially used in skeletal problems. After the completion of active orthodontic treatments, reinforcement treatments are also of great importance to prevent relapses and deterioration in the treatments performed. Various passive appliances are used for this treatment period.
Basically, the main goals of orthodontic treatment are; Correction of chewing function, correction of speech function, helping to provide better oral hygiene, providing aesthetics and providing psychological support by increasing the patient's self-confidence in society. There is an emotional impact of bad looks. If you don't like the way you look, it destroys your self-confidence. If it is not treated, children and adults close their mouths while laughing to prevent these appearances.
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