- The treatment performed by dipping special acupuncture needles made of steel, silver or gold into certain acupuncture points is called acupuncture treatment.
- When the acupuncture needles are applied to certain points, a warning is sent to the brain from those points. As a result of these stimulations, some secretions released from the brain and the applied area ensure the necessary treatment.
- The history of acupuncture dates back to 3,000 years ago. This branch of treatment, which originates from China, is a medical discipline that is now trained in Medical Faculties all over the world and in our country.
- The most used for acupuncture treatment are steel needles. These needles are almost hair thin. These special needles are applied by inserting them under the skin or into the muscle.
- After the acupuncture needles are applied, the patient is usually treated by lying in a quiet cabin or room for 15 to 45 minutes.
- The number of sessions in acupuncture depends on the type of disease. It varies depending on duration and age of the patient. This may take 3 to 30 sessions or even longer.
- Generally, 7–12 sessions are considered a cure. There is a break of 5 to 10 days between each cure. The length of the cures is adjusted according to the course of the disease.
- In some cases, a permanent needle (pin in the form of a pin) can be applied to the ears for 5 to 15 days.
- Laser acupuncture can also be applied to the acupuncture points (especially for children, very in elderly patients and those with needle phobia).
- In some cases, electro-acupuncture (alternating current, low voltage and amperage) can be applied to acupuncture points.
- Positive effects of acupuncture: Analgesic (pain relieving) effect, Homeostatic effect (balancing effect on the autonomic nervous system), Immune system (Immune System) enhancing effect, Calming effect, antidepressant, weight loss effect (by reducing appetite and accelerating metabolism) >
- After acupuncture stimulation, metenkephalin and B-endorphin (morphines produced by the body) levels increase, which is important for reducing pain and relaxing and calming the person.
- Many effects of acupuncture occur through the autonomic nervous system.
- The autonomic nervous system constantly and automatically controls the functioning of internal organs. acts. The system adjusts and regulates circulatory, excretory, respiratory, digestive and reproductive functions.
- Similarly, in hypertension treatments by performing vasoconstriction-vasodilatation (contraction and relaxation) on the vessels, gastritis and acid are reduced as a result of stimulating the stomach and reducing stomach movements and acid. Acupuncture is also effective in duodenal ulcer treatments.
- Acupuncture has been scientifically determined to increase body resistance.
- Due to the sedative effect of acupuncture, epilepsy, drug addiction, phobia, anxiety (especially It is effective in the treatment of smoking addiction.
Situations in which Acupuncture is not used: Acupuncture is applied to some acupuncture points (such as lower abdomen and waist points), especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy. It is not used for sure, it may cause miscarriage.
- Also, acupuncture is not used in bleeding diseases (such as Hemophilia).
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