Varicocele is a vascular disease characterized by the expansion of the veins around the ovaries in men. Studies show that varicocele is found in 15% of men in general, and in 19-41% of men evaluated in infertility research clinics. Varicocele is detected in 80% of men, especially those who have had children before but have not had a second or third child.
What are the symptoms of varicocele?
Patients often consult a doctor because of the pain they feel in their ovaries and the swelling they feel as a result of self-examination. In addition, another common reason for admission is the inability to have children, and these patients often apply to us with defective sperm parameters seen as a result of sperm analysis performed by infertility research centers. Patients may also have visual impairment only on the ovaries without pain or sperm disorder.
How is varicocele diagnosed?
Diagnosis of varicocele It can be easily diagnosed by examination, but in early varicoceles, scrotal color Doppler ultrasonography may be required. The method most used by urologists today is to support the physical examination with ultrasound. Other advantages of scrotal color Doppler ultrasonography are the ability to see other possible problems in the testicle and surrounding tissue and to easily evaluate its internal structure.
In what cases should varicocele be intervened?
• For the treatment of low sperm values due to varicocele and male infertility,
• For the relief of pain in advanced varicoceles,
• Due to the low male hormone (testosterone) seen in patients with varicocele for a long time, Surgery is recommended.
Why does varicocele cause infertility?
In a healthy man, the ovaries should be located in the ovarian sac. While the normal body temperature is 36.5°C, the temperature of this sac is around 34.5°C. This temperature is the most ideal temperature for normal sperm production. Due to the large amount of blood accumulated in the veins in patients with varicocele the temperature in the sac rises. Additionally, due to the dilation of the veins, the ovaries are exposed to large amounts of harmful agents for a long time. Due to these reasons, sperm DNA often develops damage. This disrupts the number, mobility and normal appearance of the sperm and reduces their ability to fertilize the egg.
What should be the treatment method for varicocele?
The method with the highest success rate in varicocele treatment and is frequently recommended is microsurgical varicocelectomy. The veins are accessed through an approximately 3-4 cm surgical incision made in the groin. Dilated veins are enlarged under a microscope, made easily visible, and ligated. The surgery takes approximately 40 minutes. takes. Although it varies depending on the anesthesia status, patients can be discharged after staying under the supervision of a doctor for one day.
How should the follow-up be after varicocele?
There are studies showing that sperm values improve more and faster in the group of patients who take vitamin supplements and stay away from harmful factors (quit smoking, pay attention to their nutrition and do sports), especially after surgery for infertility. Therefore, vitamin supplements can be given in the early postoperative period. Patients can be followed up with examination and sperm analysis results at 3, 6 and 12 months.
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