Impairment of the Sense of Satisfaction

However, after a while, if she eats the dessert offered somewhere because she is tired of social factors and dieting, and she thinks that nothing will happen at once, that dessert will cause a sudden release of insulin hormone like a poison that has entered the body. Since the insulin hormone is secreted more than once, it wants to take the sugar in the blood too much and take it to the tissues. This causes an extreme low blood sugar. When the sugar in the blood suddenly decreases too much, symptoms called hypoglycemia crisis are seen. These symptoms include trembling hands, feet, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting and even fainting. By fainting, movement is inhibited because the body can only cope with such low blood sugar if it is too inactive. He needs a period of inactivity to cope. In order to raise blood sugar, it will obtain sugar from stored fats or glycogen, which is sugar stored in the liver, and will give it to the blood and protect the brain from so much sugar. After a while, this job is accomplished and blood sugar is supplied from bodily sources and given to the blood. When the blood sugar rises, the person wakes up or if it is understood that this picture is caused by low blood sugar, sugar is supplied from an external source by giving sugar to the mouth, and when the blood sugar rises, the person wakes up.

This picture scares people and the diet breaks down. Again, everything sweet and salty is eaten. Meals are ignored. Regular and less secreted insulin hormone begins to be secreted more and irregularly again. Again, it starts to hurt a lot. Because blood sugar starts to drop too often. Thus, the body cannot expect to use its own resources to raise blood sugar immediately. It is difficult and long to use these sources, it wants to obtain sugar from external sources, namely food. This is easy for the body. Thus, the diet ends and irregular unlimited eating begins. The lost weight is regained. Appetite control ends.

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