The "dry needling" method, which uses needles similar to acupuncture needles, is successfully applied to relieve muscle spasm pain such as muscle rheumatism, fibromyalgia syndrome, lumbar and cervical disc herniation, and back pain.

Needle treatment method applied through the skin. Without giving any medication or injection, dry needles are inserted into the trigger points caused by muscle spasm, popularly known as lupus. After dipping, the turning method is applied every 5 minutes.


He stated that needles inserted into trigger points stimulate the muscle by creating micro-trauma and cause expansion in the vein, and that the needle removes painful stimuli and relieves muscle spasm.

Dry needling has been widely used by physicians and physiotherapists in recent years. It is a supportive treatment method applied intramuscularly according to complaints and clinical findings. In this method, needles similar to acupuncture needles are used. Unlike acupuncture, the needle does not remain in the body for a long time, and since there is no medicine in the needle, it is called dry needling. It is anti-allergic, meaning it does not cause any allergies, has no side effects or interactions with other drugs." It is known to cause positive biochemical changes in reducing It has a great effect on reducing pain by stimulating pain mechanisms in the muscle and nervous system." The patient usually does not feel the needle prick. The number of injections administered is adjusted according to the number of trigger points in the painful area. It is done once a week for a total of 3-4 sessions.


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