How Long Does Birth With Artificial Pain Take?

Artificial pain method, which is used when birth does not occur due to various reasons, is a practice that every expectant mother wonders and worries about. What is artificial pain, how is it applied, to whom is it applied? Many questions such as these are a matter of curiosity. Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Assoc. Dr. Kerem Doğa Seçkin explained all the unknowns about Artificial Pain...

In which cases can artificial pain be applied?

Artificial pain; It is the artificial form of the hormone secreted from the brain during pregnancy and birth, which causes the uterus to contract regularly and soften and open the cervix. Artificial pain does not need to be applied to every patient. The most common use in Obstetrics and Gynecology is in cases where labor needs to start artificially. One of the most common situations in this situation is timeout. It is not a desirable situation for pregnant women who have completed the 41st week to have pains that have not started due to the need to deliver the baby. Unwanted pregnancy outcomes may occur as a result of premature babies frequently passing stools, called meconium, in the womb and taking it into the mouth and respiratory tract. Artificial pain is frequently applied in cases of pregnancy intoxication, infection occurring with the breaking of water in the early period, and in cases where a pregnant woman at term does not have pains after her water breaks and the cervix is ​​not dilated.

Factors affecting the application of artificial pain


Artificial pain can sometimes be applied in serum and sometimes vaginally. Whether or not the cervix is ​​dilated before artificial pain is given and whether the pregnant woman's uterus responds to it are important factors that determine the duration of artificial pain. For this reason, the duration of artificial pain given to each pregnant woman and the time between it and birth vary. While the duration of labor in pregnant women who do not have a dilated cervix can reach up to 24 hours, when artificial pain begins, it can even be reduced to 4-5 hours in pregnant women with a dilated cervix. Pregnant women who do not have a dilated cervix are usually given artificial pain medications that are used vaginally. These drugs primarily cause the cervix to soften and cause pain in the uterus, which causes the cervix to dilate. It allows to increase . After the pain becomes regular and the dilation reaches a certain amount, the artificial pain medication is removed and the uterus is expected to open with the help of natural pains.


Is it difficult to give birth with artificial pain?


It is also one of the issues that pregnant women are most curious about. Whether birth with artificial pain is difficult or not. As we mentioned, artificial pain is the hormone secreted in the brain produced in an artificial environment. As soon as artificial pain is started, pregnant women do not immediately begin to feel pain. The rhythm of birth is achieved as a result of the softening of the cervix and the stimulation of the uterus by the contractions becoming regular. After this, she starts to feel pregnant pains. It is a good thing that the pregnant woman starts to feel the pains. This shows that sufficient stimulation has been given to the uterus and labor has been triggered. As a result of this sufficient stimulation, the duration of labor becomes shorter and the birth process becomes easier. The dose of artificial pain can be adjusted with the serum set and pump and is increased step by step. Contrary to fear, artificial pain does not cause more pain than normal birth pain. Pregnant women should ignore this wrong idea and it should not be forgotten that this is a necessity. Giving artificial pain to pregnant women who have spontaneous and natural pain is not a routine approach. Since the pregnant woman's own pains are not at a level to open the cervix, artificial pain can be used to support the pain during labor. Pregnant women need to cooperate with their physicians to initiate labor and ensure normal birth progresses appropriately. In this way, they can easily have a normal birth with their belief and effort.


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