Internet use has increased significantly in recent years. With the widespread use of smartphones, it is expected that concepts such as
internet addiction, phone addiction and game addiction will increase. It is characterized by . The definition of internet addiction is based on substance and pathological gambling definitions
. Features such as mood changes, tolerance, withdrawal and functional impairment are common. Internet addiction, defined as psychopathological Internet use, is defined as the individual's inability to control Internet use and causes psychological, social, school or work difficulties in the person's life. br /> happens. Some of these include decreased sleep, long-term eating disorders and limited physical activity, impairment in studying, disruptions in work and other personal daily life.
Young's Diagnostic Criteria for Internet Addiction
1. Excessive mental preoccupation with the internet (constantly thinking about the internet, daydreaming about activities done on the internet, thinking about the next activity planned to be done on the internet, etc.)
2. Increasingly internet use to get the desired pleasure. feeling the need to use the Internet
3. Unsuccessful attempts to control, reduce or completely stop using the Internet.
4. Restlessness, depression or discomfort if Internet use is reduced or completely stopped. feeling angry
5. Staying online longer than originally planned
6. Experiencing problems with family, school, work and friends due to excessive internet use, jeopardizing an education or
career opportunity, or
7. Lying to others (family, friends, therapist, etc.) about the time spent on the Internet
8. Using the Internet to escape from problems or negative emotions (e.g. helplessness, guilt, depression, anxiety)
/> using to get away
Although "time" does not have a direct function in the diagnosis of internet addiction, addicts spend 40 to 80 hours a week on the computer online
It has been determined that they are. In fact, it has been observed that they can spend 20
hours in a single sitting.
Sleep patterns are also disrupted due to being in front of the computer until late at night. A person who is on the internet until 02:00 - 03:00 -
04:00 has a hard time waking up early for work or school in the morning. There are even people who use caffeine-containing pills to stay online for a longer period of time.
Such a sleep disorder damages academic and professional performance due to extreme fatigue
and the person's immunity may decrease.
There are many reasons that lead to internet addiction or excessive internet use.
Some of these are; free and unlimited internet access, unstructured large blocks of time, lack of parental
control, being able to watch whatever they want without censorship, social intimidation and alienation,
no legal age limit for use and self-control of internet use. p>
There are many reasons for internet addiction. However, internet and computer use increases especially during periods when a person is experiencing problems in his/her life. Internet addiction can be a subjective escape from emotional difficulties (e.g., stress, depression, anxiety) or problematic situations or personal distress (e.g., burnout at work, academic difficulties, sudden unemployment, family discord, etc.).
Internet addiction, computer addiction, or game addiction reduce the communication and shared time between family members, restrict the person's relationships with his/her social environment, and make the person more lonely, more monotonous and lonely day by day. He/she can make himself/herself in an anesthetized state
in front of the computer to escape from reality.
If precautions are not taken, internet addiction, like all addictions, can lead to devastating and negative consequences
in life. Internet or computer addiction can be treated by getting support from a specialist psychologist or an addiction counselor.
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