Each hair is embedded in the skin with a bulb-like structure called bulbus. Each of them forms a unit structure with its support tissue, nerve and vascular structure. This information shows us that hair, like an organ, has some needs.
There are basically three types of hair structures:
- Lanugo hair is what we see in newborn babies. It is the type of hair that is lost after a few months
- Terminal hair: thick dark hairs that become evident with puberty
- Vellus type hair is the quince hair remaining outside the hormonal hairs found in a healthy body, except for the soles of the hands and feet. These are the hairs.
The development phase of the hairs:
The period when the hair grows and develops is the active period and 85-90% of it is in this stage. The hairs in the active phase wait in the transition phase and are then discarded. This removal process does not occur at the same time in all hairs, that is, it is asynchronous.
The growth rate of the hair, its duration, the proportion of hair in the growth and development phase, and the density of the hair vary depending on the location of the hair. For example; Loss of 100 hairs is considered normal in a healthy individual.
Diseases that directly or indirectly affect this hair cycle; They cause hair or hair loss.
Hair loss is one of the common reasons for our patients' application. For a healthy hair; Not only the hair itself, but also the soil that gives birth to the hair and enables its growth and development, that is, a solid scalp, is also needed.
Causes that can cause hair loss;
Drugs used
Menstruation, pregnancy, menopausal status
Previous diseases, operations (since 4 months ago)
Hair care, use of hair cosmetics
Diet; adequate protein intake
Hormonal disorders
Infections (such as fungi)
What do we evaluate in hair loss?
1. Hair structure: We examine both with the naked eye and with a dermatoscope device.
2. Amount and distribution of shedding: what is the distribution or type according to the gender of the patient? Do we get hair when we do the tensile test?
3. Is the scalp healthy? Are the structures we call follicles intact? Because if these structures are not there, there is no fertile part. Especially in such cases, our aim is not to restore the hair, but to reduce or prevent the progression of hair loss.
4. For our Female Patients, is there any acne or hair growth that indicates a hormonal disorder?
How Should Patients Complaints of Hair Loss Come to Evaluation?
Hair should not be combed or washed for at least 5 days
Hair cosmetics such as conditioner, spray, and procedures such as straightening and dyeing should be stopped 2 weeks before evaluation.
Frequently Asked Questions from Our Patients with Hair Loss Complaints
Question 1: My child has hair loss, thin hair, woolly hair hair or have tangled hair. Not scanned?
It should not be forgotten that this problem may occur alone or may accompany some diseases. It is especially important to evaluate the hair structure of children with such complaints, as well as the skin attachment structures such as eyebrows, eyelashes, teeth and nails.
Question 2: Is it okay if I razor my child's hair?
I observe that children brought for examination are psychologically affected and upset. Of course my answer is no. Because it has no scientific meaning.
Question 3: My hair is falling out, I'm afraid to comb it?
Combing my hair is actually hair and It is a kind of massage and relaxation for the scalp. It is necessary to continue combing without being forceful.
Question 4: My scalp hurts a lot?
Especially in some individuals, trichodynia occurs before hair loss. It is what we call hair root pain. The scalp is sensitive to touch.
Please entrust your hair to dermatologists, just like your skin health. To healthy, thick, vibrant hair..
Treatment for Hair Loss:
-Varies depending on the type of loss and accompanying diseases. If there is no reason and the scalp is healthy, vitamins and growth factors such as mesotherapy can be used. It can be supported with treatment cocktails or platelet-rich plasma treatments (PRP) obtained from the individual's own blood.
-In cases of hair loss due to systemic diseases; If the scalp is intact, it can be treated in the early stages.
-Unfortunately, permanent losses may occur in the late stages of the disease.
Therefore; It should definitely be evaluated by a dermatologist.
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