Vagina whitening method is an aesthetic application that aims to eliminate darkening in the area due to various reasons and makes the vaginal area whiter. Vaginal darkening, which frequently occurs as an undesirable condition in women and does not indicate a disease or health problem, brings with it some aesthetic concerns. These aesthetic concerns in women make vagina whitening a frequently used method.
Before touching on the points to be considered after vaginal whitening procedures, it will be useful to briefly touch upon the reasons for darkening of the vagina and vaginal whitening applications.
What are the causes of darkening in the vagina?
Darkness, which manifests itself as darkening in the vaginal area, can occur in the internal or external genital area. In this regard, there are many reasons for darkening of the vagina and these reasons can generally be listed as follows;
- Body changes experienced with advancing age
- Some genetic effects carried by hereditary factors
- Excessive production of the melatonin hormone, which gives color to the skin, by the body
- Some diseases that disrupt the body's hormonal balance (conditions such as stomach cancer, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome, Addison's disease)
- In the genital area In case of odor, using deodorant to suppress the odor or applying powder as a temporary and incorrect solution to eliminate the darkening that occurs
- Infections occurring in the vaginal area
- Excessive weight and obesity in the body
- Use of synthetic fabric underwear
- Continuous wearing of tight and tight clothing
- After normal birth
- Irregular and malnutrition some vitamin deficiencies
- Epilation methods applied to the vaginal area and frequent shaving of the area with a razor
- Products such as soaps and creams used for cleaning the genital area but containing chemicals.
What is Vagina Bleaching?
The blemishes that occur in the vaginal area as a result of the reasons mentioned above. The procedures performed to eliminate blemishes and aesthetic concerns are called vagina whitening. With vagina whitening applications; Whitening can be achieved in the vaginal entrance, inner lips, outer lips, anal area and anal area.
The basis why women frequently prefer vaginal whitening is the ability to wear the desired clothes freely and psychological problems that may occur during sexual intercourse, that is, aesthetic concerns.
How is Vagina Whitening Applied?
Laser rays applied to the vaginal area break down the color pigment cells under the skin in this area and destroy the melanin pigment cells that cause darkening. Thus, whitening is achieved by eliminating the darkening of color in the vaginal area.
In laser vaginal whitening procedures, laser peeling is also applied to the skin. In addition to the existing darkening with the peeling process applied to the skin through laser peeling, the thickening that occurs in the vaginal area due to some other reasons is also eliminated.
During the vaginal whitening process, the tissues in the vaginal area are revitalized through the laser beams applied to the area. tightening and a brighter and livelier appearance is provided.
Vagina whitening is a procedure performed without anesthesia. However, if the patient is sensitive, it can be performed by applying local numbness.
Vagina whitening is performed with a laser, so it is very fast and painless. After the vaginal whitening procedure, which takes approximately 15 minutes, the person can immediately return to his/her normal daily life.
Since no incisions are made during vaginal whitening procedures performed through laser, there is no risk of bleeding and there is no possibility of scarring after the procedure.
Before the vagina whitening application, the patient's skin type is evaluated and planning is made in line with these evaluations and the application is started.
What are the Things to Consider After Laser Vagina Whitening?
- Laser vagina whitening In case of negative effects after the operation, Before the application, cream should not be applied to the area to be applied and the area should not be exposed to the sun.
- Wearing tight clothing after the vaginal whitening procedure creates negative effects similar to those that cause darkening of the vagina. In this regard, it is recommended to wear more comfortable clothes after vaginal whitening.
- Laser vaginal whitening is applied at the appropriate dose in accordance with the skin characteristics. After the procedure, darkening occurs in the area where the laser is applied and dead skin cells are peeled off. In this process, it will be sufficient to use creams prescribed by the doctor in accordance with the skin structure and characteristics.
- During the laser vagina whitening process, laser beams are applied to break down the melanocyte cells in the area, thus preventing the production and release of melanin. In this regard, in the first days after the procedure; Swelling, edema formation, slight redness and blistering may occur. During this process, protection from the negative effects of the sun and the use of appropriate medications ensure that the conditions are resolved in a short time.
- The rays applied in the vaginal whitening process through laser create a superficial effect on the skin. Laser beams can travel up to a depth of 3-4 mm from the skin surface, thus, laser beams; It does not affect the subcutaneous tissues, uterus, tubes, ovaries and cervix. In this regard, we can say that in answer to the most basic question mark in mind, laser vagina whitening; It does not cause infertility, sexual reluctance or any effect on the menstrual cycle and does not cause any negative effects on the body.
- The patient can continue his daily life immediately after laser vaginal whitening. However, it is recommended not to have sexual intercourse until one week after the procedure.
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