How Will We Care and Raise This Child?

Our children, like us, should know that finding life is the greatest chance given to humans. He should make the best use of this. We should strive to leave a world where those after us can make the most of their chances.

Many of us have not thought much about raising children before becoming parents. We think of this as a natural, spontaneous process. Don't say, "If you feed it, give it drink, clothe it, protect it, it will grow on its own, just like a flower growing in a pot." When you have a child, you will understand that this is not the case. You educate your child in the first 7 years of age. Then society educates. The foundation is laid at the age of 7. Everything you do during these years will form the basis of your child's personality. It will determine what kind of person he will be in the future and his relationships with people. The characteristics you discover and support will shape your life. An individual of the future society will be the architect of the next society, just as you are now. If you do not raise your child consciously and leave it alone, when you ask "why did this child become like this?", it will already be too late.

I liken raising a child to making a ceramic vase. Many of you know. You place a piece of mud on a rotating platform in front of you. Just as every child is different, the soil consistency of these muds is different. The good things from each clay are different. For example, one can be a good jug, while the other can be a good stew pot. You place both hands next to the mud and start turning the platform. With the slightest movement of your hands, the mud begins to take different shapes. If you act slowly, consciously and with experience, a very beautiful work will emerge. If you act unconsciously and quickly, something shapeless will emerge, and as you try to fix it, it will deteriorate and perhaps collapse. Even if the first one is bad, you will start to make better vases as you gain experience in the later ones. Just like all mistakes are made with the first child. Even after the work is done, you compare your vases with other people's. By the time you realize your mistakes, it is too late. You say, "When I have grandchildren, I will use these experiences on them." You will have a grandchild. You explain, but your son or daughter listens to some of it and not to some of it. Maybe they'll get angry because you're interfering. that you are angry Like z.

How do you think a parent can be conscious and knowledgeable from the very beginning?

  • You research and read. There are lots of books. There is also a lot of information on the internet. These may contain different opinions. Before you read something and get confused, look up who wrote it. When I looked at books and their authors, I always said, "I'm the only one left who doesn't write books." Finally I'm writing too ☺. See if the person writing the article is competent. Even being a doctor doesn't mean everything. If an adult cardiologist comes out and says "do not get vaccinated", I think it has no effect, even if he is a professor. What the pediatric infection specialist, who has spent years in this field, says is important. If you are going to research on the internet, look at scientific articles. I think sites where mothers share their personal opinions among themselves are like the blind leading the blind. Read it. Put it through your own logical filter. Ask the natural parent within you (I think there is an instinctive parent inside every parent. I have seen even a schizophrenic mother breastfeeding her baby. Even when the mind is gone, that maternal instinct can continue). Discuss this issue with your spouse and reach a compromise. Parents should discuss an issue, reach a decision, and abide by that decision. I think one should act harmoniously and decisively as one body.

  • Listen to the suggestions of your spouse, friend and doctor. Put it through your logic filter. Ask your inner parent. Reconcile among yourselves, parents. As you listen to other people's experiences about their children, remember that “every child is different.” You may not be successful in the method you decide on. But you get to know your own child. You develop new tactics accordingly. One of my patients tried many ways to help their child who was 3 years old and still did not say to pee, but they were not successful. Finally they found their own solution. They bought a cheap and uncomfortable diaper. Since the child was not comfortable with this diaper, he started to pee within a week. I like it so much. They recognized the child and found the reason for the behavior and solved it. All their own solutions.

  • Your parents, your spouse's parents and other adults will give you many suggestions. Listen to these. There may be important points. "You spoke late too", "His father was teething for 10 months" etc. Some tips can save you from unnecessary worries. Listen to the suggestions and filter them through your own logic. Ask your inner parent. Compromise as parents.

  • Don't stress about being perfect. Just try to do your best. Being a good parent is often independent of money; it requires attention, knowledge, love and effort. Every effort will eventually pay off.

  • Since this information process will take some time, it is necessary to obtain the basic infrastructure of your information before the baby is born, if possible. Because after birth, you may not have enough time or energy for this, and you may find yourself doing everything you are told without questioning. The times you thought you would have a great time after birth can turn into a nightmare.

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