Shingles (Night burn)

Herpes Zoster, also known as herpes, is an infection caused by the chickenpox virus. Anyone who has had chickenpox can get Shingles. The virus survives in an inactive form in the nerve roots, and when it reactivates, Shingles develops. 20% of people who have chickenpox get Shingles.

The reason that awakens and activates the virus is unknown. A weakness in the immune system, which allows the body to cope with infections, causes the virus to multiply and spread along the nerve to the skin. Although even children can develop Shingles, it usually occurs over the age of 50. Factors such as illness, trauma, and stress can cause shingles.

A person whose immune system is weakened for any reason may get shingles. The disease tends to have a serious course in these people. Shingles is common in cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, and AIDS, where the immune system is weakened. Cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy, drugs used in organ transplantation, and long-term use of cortisone can suppress the immune system.

What are the symptoms of shingles?

The first symptom of shingles is a certain area of ​​the skin. It is a burning, stinging pain and increased sensitivity in the area. This pain begins in the area of ​​the rash 2-3 days before the rash develops. Meanwhile, headache and fever may occur. Redness and clear blisters then form in groups in this area. These blisters last for 2-3 weeks. These blisters fill with dark blood, then crust over and begin to heal. The pain may last longer.

How severe is the pain?

The pain is often severe enough to require the use of painkillers.

In which part of the body does shingles usually occur?

Shingles is usually seen on the trunk and hips. But it can also be seen on the face, arms and legs. Careful care is required when eye disease occurs, as it can cause permanent damage to the eye. If a blister forms at the tip of the nose, this indicates that there is eye involvement. In this case, an examination should be performed by an ophthalmologist.

What are the complications of shingles?

After the skin rash subsides, the pain of shingles remains. knows. Especially in elderly patients, pain persists for months and years. Starting treatment in the early stages of shingles can prevent the development of pain.
Bacterial infection may develop in blisters and this prevents wounds from healing. If the pain and redness of the rash increases, be sure to consult your doctor. In this case, antibiotic treatment may be required. Another situation is that shingles spreads to the whole body and other organs. In this rare condition, the immune system is suppressed.

How is shingles recognized?

The diagnosis is made by the typical appearance of blisters and pain on one side of the body before the rash begins. is placed. If necessary, samples can be taken from blisters to be examined.

Is shingles contagious?

Shingles can be transmitted to people who have not had chickenpox before, but these people have chickenpox, not shingles. develops. Shingles is less contagious than chickenpox. Shingles becomes contagious when blisters burst. Newborns and those with compromised immune systems are prone to developing chickenpox by acquiring the virus from people with shingles. Patients with shingles rarely require hospitalization and treatment.

Does the disease leave scars on the skin?

The disease occurs in people with impaired immune systems, in the elderly, and secondary to bacterial infection. Those who develop leave a scar.

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