Generations and What We Need to Know

The concept of generation is an interdisciplinary concept that is of interest to both social and human sciences. In this context, each branch of science has made various definitions for the concept of generation dependent on the boundaries of their own fields (Özer, Eriş, Özmen, 2013, p. 124). When the issue is considered on the axis of human life-long development process, it is possible to reduce the definitions of age groups into two groups: biologically based and socially based definitions. When the issue is considered from a biological perspective, the concept of age groups is defined as "the average year interval between the births of parents and their children" (Keleş, 2011, p. 130). In this respect, it is assumed that a new generation is born every 20-25 years. The aforementioned approach has contributed greatly to social research in the past, but changing environmental and social conditions have forced social researchers to reconsider the concept of generation. Because today, people's participation in economic life, developments such as marriage and having children, which are the harbingers of the new generation, have spread over a longer period of time, on the other hand, developments in information and communication technologies are taking place at a pace that is difficult to follow, parallel to the continuous change of environmental factors and all these developments are affecting people's lives. Directly affecting their styles, visions and habits, it has also shaken the biologically based assumptions of the concept of generation (Özer et al., 2013, p. 124; Keleş, 2011, p. 130). Mannheim (1952) emphasized that the concept of generation should be evaluated on a sociological basis. When the sociological definitions are examined, age groups are defined as "communities that were born in a recent period of time, were affected by the same social, political, economic and technological developments during their upbringing, assumed similar responsibilities in the light of these developments, and developed common beliefs, behaviors, expectations and values ​​as a result of the responsibilities they assumed." is possible (Lower, 2008; Mannheim, 1952; Joshi, Dencker, Franz, 2011). When the relevant literature is examined, it is understood that researchers cannot reach an agreement regarding the birth intervals and naming of age groups. In the studies conducted, the classification of age groups depends on the quality and quality of the relevant study. It is seen that it is handled according to its purpose and the M generation, which is the intermediate generation, is evaluated within the Y or Z generation (Nielsen and Boomcagers, 2000; McCrindle and Wolfinger, 2009; ERC, 2009; Adıgüzel et al., 2014, Atak, 2016). In addition, the classification of age generations is seen. It is noteworthy that regional and socio-cultural differences are ignored and the classification made in American literature is generally used.

Silent Generation: In different sources, this generation, which refers to those born between 1928-1945 or 1925-1945, is called " Names such as "Traditionalists Generation", "Experienced Generation", "WWII Generation", "War Generation" are also given. This generation, which experienced the Great Economic Depression of 1929 and World War II during the years they were born and raised, includes people who were too young to participate in the war, but who experienced the pain and effects of the war the most. Among the living cultures, there is living with intense relationships within large families and/or local social communities, again as a necessity of the conditions of the period. Their philosophy of life can be expressed as "working to live". As a result of a life full of troubles, difficulties and risks, the members of the silent generation are the oldest members of our age who are risk-averse, cautious, pro-saving, practical-minded, obedient, disciplined, pragmatic, loyal, hard-working, devoted to social values ​​(Adıgüzel et al., 2014). p. 171; Akdemir et al., 2013, p. 14; Williams and Page, 2011, p. 37; ERC 2011).

Baby Boom Generation: During the population explosion years immediately after World War II The Baby Boomer generation, which represents 1 billion babies born, is also called "Mc Generations", "Baboo", "Cold War Generation", "Love Generation". In the relevant literature, the years 1946 - 1964 and 1944 - 1960 are indicated as birth dates. In this period, when economic prosperity gradually increased as a result of the factories that provided war logistics being brought into the civilian economy with the end of World War II, the changes in the political and economic structures of the countries also affected the mentality of the members of this generation. The baby boom generation, who lived through the golden years of radio, was also at the core of human rights movements. It happened directly. Members of the generation with a high sense of loyalty are content, hard-working, idealistic, consistent in their decisions, self-motivated, prone to teamwork, prone to change and transformation, and put their work before even their family. The baby boom generation, described by marketers as the greatest generation to ever walk the earth, has always been a part of development. The main ideas that have survived from the baby boom generation are gender equality, the fight against racism, and environmental awareness (Adıgüzel et al., 2014, p. 173-174; ERC 2011; Özer et al., 2013, p. 127; Akdemir et al., 2013, pp. 15-16).

Generation It is also called 'ers Generation'. The meaning of its name comes from "to be ex", it is the "lost generation" in which population growth slows down. This generation, which had the opportunity to own a personal computer for the first time, also created the infrastructure of developing technology habits. With Generation X, the role of social events in determining generations has decreased and the role of technological developments has come to the fore. This generation, which is at peace with technology and information, is entrepreneurial, goal-oriented, independent, tries to simplify work, and is self-confident. Members of the generation, who are very sensitive to social problems, also have high work motivation and can work in the same job for years. They see themselves as opposed to society and are more contented and realistic than Baby Boomers. With this generation, families had fewer children and families became smaller (Adıgüzel et al., 2014, p. 174-175; ERC 2011; Özer et al., 2013, p. 126; Akdemir et al., 2013, p. 16; Atak, 2016, p. 17).

Generation Y: With the influence of being the first digital generation, “Internet Generation”, “Echo Boomers”, “Millenial”, “Nexters”, “Generation Next”, “Digital Generation” There are a wide range of differences of opinion regarding the birth date of Generation Y, also known as the Generation Y, from 1980 to 2000. Generation Y, whose most important feature is that they are very open to technology and development and are the first digital generation, has an entrepreneurial spirit and high technical skills. Even though he is good, his abstract skills are low. In terms of narcissism, they are self-confident, fond of freedom and status, impatient, have the ability to quickly acquire information, love a comfortable life, and are a rich source of talent when managed well. Generation Y, who grew up in a nuclear family, is as dependent on their family as they are fond of their independence, and they look for their friends more than other generations. They want to be understood and respected in society. Most want to spend time with their peers, often preferring to be connected to them through unconditional love and time. All these show that generation Y is a social generation. They spend an average of 15 hours a day with media and communication tools, are more successful in multitasking than previous generations, have a high level of adaptation at any time, but can get bored quickly with their work. The main aim of the Y generation, which is the reason why the foundations of both the telephone and the interactive world were laid in terms of communication, was for every member of this generation to have a mobile phone before the age of 18. Generation Y is the most educated, most civilized, most technologically open human community ever, able to learn information from its sources and trying to explore the global world (Akdemir et al., 2013, p. 15; Willams and Page, 2011; Nielsen and Boomcagers, 2012; McCrindle and Wolfinger, 2009; Özer et al., 2013, p. 126; Adıgüzel et al., 2014, p. 173-174; Keleş, 2011, p. 131; Yelkikalan et al., 2010, p. 500-501, Atak, 2016, p. . 25; Türk, 2013, p. 11).

Generation M: The integral parts of this technology, which is an important intermediate generation, were born between 1995 and 2004. Millennial children, who always carry their phones, internet providers and pocket computers with them, can listen to music, look at news on the internet and chat with their friends. As consumers, they search for the cheapest and highest quality product they want to buy on the internet and compare them. This generation, which can fit their entire world on the computer screen, is aware of innovations, knows everything, is talented, but lonely and introverted, even though technology provides unlimited communication opportunities. It was a lonely generation that discovered the power of social networks and put technology at the center of their lives. and are candidates to become internet entrepreneurs (Yelkikalan et al., 2010, p. 501-502).

Generation Z: The "Internet Generation", which started to come to the world in 2005 and continues to this day, has never seen a time when there was no internet. It is the generation also called “. They are individual, dissatisfied, creative, innovative, result-oriented. The rapid pace of change in the world makes it difficult to know the personal characteristics of Generation Z in advance. Generation Z, which represents a brand new market, attracts the attention of marketing professionals and researchers in particular. It is expected that this generation, which will have the ability to compare and research thanks to the opportunities it has, will have low brand loyalty. Marketers are already trying to place their products at the heart of this new silent generation. Members of Generation Z, who are expected to be economically well-off, have multiple degrees, be experts and innovators in the future, want to learn when they want, under their own conditions.

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