Screen Addiction

Although there are screens in every aspect of our lives, screen addiction is one of the most common problems today. Unfortunately, this problem is not limited to children but is also seen frequently in adults. Especially during the pandemic, people spend most of their time at home, causing them to be exposed to more screens. In addition, as a result of our observations, many parents now employ nannies via television, tablet and phone. If we were to exemplify modern nannying, we can say that the mother exposes the child to the screen for hours at home so that she can clean easily. Unfortunately, such situations can result in addiction.

Screen addiction is unfortunately underestimated by society, although it is no different from other addictions in terms of brain functionality. Just as the brain functions in cigarette, alcohol or substance use, the same interaction occurs in screen addiction. Therefore, it would be beneficial for society to be sensitive about this issue in order to raise a healthy generation.

Harms of screen addiction:

Physical harms

Social and psychological harms




We are addicted to the screen. How do we know?

  • Wasting our hours in front of the screen for just a few minutes.

  • 2. Lying about the time we spend in front of the screen.

  • Being stuck between feelings of guilt and pleasure.

  • Feeling of tension and emptiness outside of screen exposure.

  • Staying in front of the computer until late at night.

  • Increasing physical problems due to using the computer for a long time.

  • Not eating, staying hungry to access the internet.



    Creating a daily schedule: determining the hours we will be in front of the screen. Not being exposed to the screen outside of these hours.

    Determining a screen-free time and place: the television should not be left on at home all the time.

    Being a model for the child: not paying attention to the phone during meals or conversations, and not turning on the television.


    Socializing: spending time outside, participating in sports and art activities.

    Supporting our children's friendship relations.

    Controlling our children's internet use.


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