What are Digestive System Diseases?

The digestive system starts in the mouth, where the food is first taken. It is the name of the system given to the canal that extends from the body as waste to the anus. In this system, the structures of foods are broken down by certain enzymes and secretions, and all beneficial compounds are absorbed. The beneficial compounds in these foods pass into the blood and are stored properly.

How is Digestion Made?

First of all, food is broken down by chewing in the mouth. Carbohydrates are broken down into building blocks by enzymes in saliva, fat and proteins are not digested here. The food that is broken down with the help of the pharynx comes to the stomach by passing through the esophagus called the esophagus. Before entering the stomach, there is a collapsible muscle called the sphincter that controls the entrance and exit to the stomach.

The stomach brings the incoming food together with an acidic environment and makes it ready for absorption. The digestion of proteins begins in the stomach. Then the nutrients pass to the small intestine, where the digestion of fats takes place. It is absorbed as it progresses in compounds that are chemically separated into their structures with oils. Along with the nutritional building blocks, water and electrolytes necessary for the body are also absorbed.

The enzymes and secretions required for chemical digestion in the small intestine are supplied from the gallbladder and pancreas. There are also secretions produced in the intestine. As a result of this long disintegration and absorption, water and electrolyte absorption occurs in the waste products that come to the large intestine and the remaining waste is removed from the body in the form of feces with the help of the anus. When there is a disruption or deterioration in any organ or functioning of this long and complex system, digestive system disorders begin to appear. Although the treatment of these diseases is not taken seriously by the patients, since these diseases are mild at first and give few symptoms, untreated diseases may cause serious problems in the future.

Digestive System Diseases Symptoms and Treatments?

Reflux : Stomach content is the lowest part of the body in terms of pH value. This acidic zone plays an important role in the proper digestion and breakdown of nutrients. Stomach walls have a durable structure against stomach acid, but if this acid comes into contact with another part of the digestive tract, it will cause great problems. The opening of stomach acid between the esophagus and stomach Reflux is called reflux when the function of the closing muscle is impaired.

The patient with this complaint experiences a sudden burning sensation and a bitter and sour secretion-food mixture comes to the mouth. Apart from this, the patient may experience problems affecting more than one region such as chest pain, coughing as a reflex, hoarseness, sore throat. This situation can happen to most people except for a pathological reason, but for it to be counted as a disease, such complaints must be experienced frequently during the day and these symptoms must be seen even during sleep.

Reflux occurs as a result of muscle relaxation between stomach and esophagus. Stomach acid irritates the esophagus and can cause permanent ulceration if left untreated.

Patients are generally advised to avoid spicy and spicy foods, not to lie down immediately after eating, and to adjust their pillows to keep their head 45° above the shoulders when lying down or sleeping at night. In cases where drug treatment is required, drugs that neutralize or reduce stomach acid are prescribed by the doctor if necessary. Although it is usually caused by bacteria, it can also occur as a result of other reasons. After the bacterium is taken into the body through food, it settles on the inner wall of the stomach and causes inflammation there. For treatment, it is necessary to test whether it is a gastritis caused by bacteria (Helicobacter pylori). When proven to be caused by bacteria, treatment is started with special antibiotics. If it is acutely caused by another reason, it should be determined.
Stomach-Duodenum Ulcer: It is the formation of wounds and destruction in the own tissues of the stomach or duodenum, called the duodenum, for various reasons. Although it may be bacterial-based, it may be due to reasons such as impact, stress, genetic predisposition, smoking, frequent consumption of beverages such as tea and coffee. Special diet, medication and surgical treatment are performed when necessary. In some cases b While many of these symptoms are present, in some cases, it may manifest itself with only one symptom. It usually develops due to some diseases. In the treatment, first of all, after a detailed diagnostic test (stool examination, endoscopy and colonoscopy) performed by a gastroenterology specialist, drug treatment is started. Lifestyle change has an important place in the treatment as well as medication. Although it can be a disease on its own, it is also seen as a result of other digestive system disorders. According to the duration of diarrhea, it is possible to divide it into acute or chronic types. If diarrhea lasts less than 4 weeks, it is called acute, and if it lasts longer than this period, it is called chronic diarrhea.

Acute diarrhea is usually caused by microorganisms, that is, it occurs as a result of infectious agents. In the case of chronic diarrhea, the patient should be observed and the cause of diarrhea should be investigated. Although diarrhea is a common condition, when it lasts for a long time, it has the potential to create very risky situations as it disrupts all water and electrolyte balance of the body.

Diseases such as celiac, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis can cause chronic diarrhea. Treatment is carried out according to the cause, but the common goal of the treatment scheme is to restore the lost water and electrolytes and to eliminate the cause of diarrhea and to return to normal defecation.
Constipation: Due to the intestinal structure, it makes the stool move outwards. In this way, the person defecates normally. However, when bowel movements slow down, normal defecation cannot be performed and stool is stored in the intestine. It solidifies more than expected as water continues to be absorbed during storage. Normally, defecation once a day is considered normal.

In case of constipation, the amount of defecation decreases to 3 or less per week. The patient feels pain, pain while defecating, there may be tension and bloating in the abdomen. Causes include change in order, not consuming enough fiber food, not drinking enough water, weight loss, side effects of some drugs. raccoon may occur. Medication can be preferred in a routine constipation picture, and after the cause is investigated, practices such as lifestyle changes, diet and exercise are recommended.

Hemorrhoids: It is the sagging of the veins in the anus as a result of enlargement and swelling over time. It can occur in chronic constipation, pregnancy. Although it does not show any symptoms at first, it may cause bleeding, itching and pain in the future. Its treatment is surgery.

Pancreatic inflammation (Pancreatitis): It is the condition that the pancreas becomes inflamed and does not function for certain reasons. It is common in people who consume excessive alcohol and smoke. It is most commonly caused by gallstones. Due to its role in the system, treatment should be started as soon as a disease is diagnosed.

Liver diseases: All diseases that occur in the liver are important because they affect more than one place. Cirrhosis, hepatitis, cyst, tumor are common and serious disorders. Treatment of the diagnosed disease must be done because the risk of permanent liver damage is very high.

Gallbladder diseases: The gallbladder is a sac located in the lower part of the liver and stores the bile produced in the liver. Stones formed in this sac can block both the bladder and the bile ducts. In such cases, the accumulated gallbladder can burst and cause serious problems. Or it could cause an infection. Therefore, it is one of the places that should be checked regularly without waiting for symptoms. Before waiting for the disease to occur, some precautions can be taken. Especially a healthy and balanced diet is indispensable for the health of the digestive system. Consumption of adequate fiber food supports the system, and drinking enough water relaxes the system.

Chewing the food more slowly and in a slower time, instead of eating it fast, facilitates digestion. Caffeine-containing drinks, acidic foods, frequent consumption of fatty and spicy foods, smoking and alcohol consumption often tire the stomach and intestines.

Many bacteria enter the body with food, creating the potential to cause disease. For this reason, it is essential to wash the foods that are consumed raw, especially well. Along with this, digestion The care of the teeth, which is the first step, is also very important. For dental health, it is necessary to brush the teeth twice a day and to be examined by a dentist every 6 months.

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