What Causes the Inability to Speak /r/ Voice and How Should the /r/ Voice Be Treated?

The inability to say the

/r/ sound is one of the most common speech problems. This problem occurs in both children and adults. In this article, we will find answers to the questions of why the /r/ sound cannot be said, how the /r/ sound is treated, and how is the /r/ sound therapy. coordination must be ensured. Sounds are produced in a specific developmental order. The /r/ sound is the last sound to be acquired in Turkish. It is expected to be produced in the correct position between the ages of 4.5 and 5. It is considered appropriate to wait for the age of 4.5 for the treatment of the /r/ sound. However, if the child is uncomfortable with this situation and is aware that he cannot say the /r/ sound, therapy can be started earlier. The problem of not producing the /r/ sound is appealing to the families at first. However, if it continues in the following periods, our child may suffer from peer bullying. If the /r/ sound problem is still not resolved when the school term starts, it may cause reading and writing errors. If your child produces a different sound instead of the /r/ sound, they can mix these two sounds together while reading and writing. For example: Our child who wants to produce the word bee can produce the word bear instead of bee. At the same time, he can write the word bear instead of bee while writing. For example: instead of the word countryside, your child reads the word hair. In order to prevent this situation from continuing in the future and to prevent possible problems that may occur, speech and language therapy should be started. If your child is 4.5 years old and still cannot produce the /r/ sound, you can apply for expert support to acquire the /r/ sound.

/How to Treat the Problem of Singing the /r/ Voice?

< If the p>/r/ sound cannot be spoken, support from speech and language therapy should be sought. To produce all sounds, tongue, lip, palate and chin positions are different. The necessary position to produce the /r/ sound is taught. After the person makes the /r/ sound in isolation, they work in the beginning, middle, and end positions of the syllable. Then, after the individual can produce the /r/ sound, he is expected to produce the correct sound during the word, sentence and conversation. After the therapy studies, language exercises and homework are given and he is expected to produce the /r/ sound practically. homework and practice It is very important to generalize the sin and produce it correctly in every position.

/r/ Cannot Be Produced Due to What Reasons?

The inability to say the /r/ sound is a speech sound disorder. .Commonly encountered; It arises as a result of wrong learning and wrong habits of the individual. In some cases, auditory problems, in some cases genetic factors, etc. It causes the /r/ sound to be produced incorrectly.

Does Tongue Tie Cause Inability to Produce the /r/ Sound?

Tongue tie restricts the movements of the tongue. There may be a situation where the /r/ sound cannot be produced due to the presence of a tongue tie. However, this is not the case for all individuals. There are individuals who can produce the /r/ sound in the correct position despite having a tongue tie. The speech and language therapist can refer the individual to the physician for tongue-tie if he deems it necessary. It is possible for all age ranges to produce in such a way. With speech and language therapy, the individual can learn the correct production position instead of faulty production.

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