Obesity, the disease of our age, has begun to become a serious problem in our country, as it affects the whole world
. One in every three women in our country; One in every 4 men struggles with obesity and the health problems it brings. Studies have proven that obesity is not only overweight but also a serious disease that causes high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, menstrual disorders, psychological disorders and even cancer. For this reason, programs to combat obesity
have begun to be carried out seriously in our country as well as all over the world.
Gastric Sleeve Surgery for Permanent and Effective Weight Loss
Most people resort to various diets that they think are effective because of their excess weight. Sometimes it can get effective
results and fall to the ideal weight. However, the biggest problem is either not being able to maintain the diet or maintaining the ideal
weight for a long time. Recurrent unsuccessful diets and uncontrollable weight gains despite the diet can leave people helpless in the fight against obesity. In such times, gastric sleeve
surgeries are the best method to lose weight permanently and effectively.
Risk and Aesthetic Anxiety are Reduced with the Laparoscopic Method
Gastric sleeve surgery is the most common type of surgery performed for weight loss today. . Since the surgery is performed with a closed (laparoscopic) method, instead of completely cutting the abdomen, it is performed with instruments inserted through 5 holes, the largest of which is 1 cm. In this way, an aesthetically bad appearance is not created and the risks that may occur are minimized. In laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgery, approximately 80% of the stomach is removed by cutting it lengthwise with special staples. It is called tube stomach because the stomach becomes a tube after surgery. The stomach, which used to hold up to 1 liter of food, is reduced to a capacity of 150-200 ml of food after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. This process leads to weight loss through 2 mechanisms. Firstly, since the volume of the stomach decreases, the stomach can reach saturation with as little as 1 tea glass of food. The second is the area at the top of the stomach that secretes the hormone called Ghrelin (hunger hormone), which tells our brain that we are hungry. Since it disappears with the pain, the patient does not feel hungry for a long time after the surgery. This provides the patient with a constant feeling of fullness
and ensures that the person does not struggle with hunger during the weight loss process. In other words, thanks to gastric sleeve
surgery, patients can lose weight in a healthy way without any difficulty, such as dieting.
Who Can Have Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Sleeve stomach surgery is not performed on every overweight person. We use a calculation method called body mass index, which is weight/heightXheight(m2). Patients with this index over 35 and another disease that causes obesity (blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, etc.) and patients with a body mass index over 40 and
can use closed tube stomach if they have not benefited from diet methods. There are patients who are suitable for
Post-Surgery Support with a Multidisciplinary Approach
Patients can be discharged within 4 days after surgery. They can return to work
after 15 days and resume their normal lives after 30 days.
We do not make our patients follow a particular diet after the 30-day liquid diet period. We just have some rules to follow. We especially warn our patients that they should stay away from high-calorie foods, should not consume solid and liquid foods together, and should eat small and frequent meals. After the 45th day, we encourage many sports programs, including walking and slimming programs. Rapid weight loss begins in the postoperative period, and approximately 40-60% of the excess weight is lost in the 8th month. During this period, some of our patients are included in weight loss programs under the supervision of a dietitian and psychologist who are experts in their fields and lose all of their excess weight within 1 year. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that teamwork, including an endocrinologist, an expert dietitian and a psychologist, as well as an experienced surgeon, will increase the success of this process. /> In the following months after closed sleeve gastrectomy surgery, it is not only possible to get rid of excess weight, but also blood pressure, diabetes and psychiatric medication. We either completely stop taking the medications of most of our patients or reduce their medication doses. In addition, all of our patients experience a significant improvement in many of their complaints such as sleep patterns due to weight loss, snoring, significant improvement in breathing, increased mobility, psychological improvement, increased self-confidence and menstrual improvement.
In short, closed gastric surgery not only saves you from excess weight but also eliminates many health problems; It is a successful surgery method that brings the person back to life both visually, healthily and psychologically. If you also complain about these complaints, say goodbye to your excess weight with gastric sleeve
surgery. Say hello to a healthy and new life.
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