-- In which cases is it needed?

Recurrent acute middle ear infections, collapse of the eardrum, barotraumas that may occur as a result of flight or diving

In cases where the eustachian tube does not develop properly, such as cleft palate


In cases of fluid accumulation in the middle ear that does not heal spontaneously or with medical treatment, it may be necessary to insert a tube into the eardrum.

-- What is fluid accumulation in the middle ear?

Otitis with Effusion or Serous Otitis is a condition that occurs when fluid accumulates in the middle ear, behind the eardrum, without signs of active infection such as pain or fever.

-- What kind of complaints are observed in fluid accumulation in the middle ear?

This condition usually progresses silently and often the only symptom is hearing loss. The child's

watching the television at high volume, his school performance starting to decline, or his teacher's

warnings that the child is being careless and cannot hear him/her should bring to mind hearing loss due to fluid

collection in the middle ear. .

-- How is it diagnosed?

Children with these complaints will be diagnosed with an ear examination by an ENT specialist and

ear tests when necessary.

-- How is it treated?

In the first stage, drug treatment is started, the aim is to dry the fluid in the middle ear and turn the middle ear into an air-filled space again

. If there is an accompanying condition such as adenoids, allergies, or sinusitis, these should also be treated. In cases where drug treatment is not successful, tube insertion is performed.

-- How is the tube inserted?

The external ear canal is examined with a microscope and a scratch is made on the eardrum. The fluid accumulated in the middle ear is drawn out from the scratched place in the eardrum. Using special tools, the tube is placed in the marked place on the membrane, with one end in the outer ear canal and the other end in the middle ear. No external

incision is applied.


-- How long does the tube remain in the eardrum?

Short-term tubes are preferred in patients who have tubes inserted for the first time. These last between 6 months and 1 year on average

They remain in the membrane, are excreted by the body, and the hole in the eardrum where the tube is inserted closes automatically

. Usually, during the control examination, it is seen that the tube is thrown into the external ear canal and the tube is removed by the physician. If the tube does not come out on its own and has been in place for more than 1 year, it can be removed by the physician. In repeated tube applications, long-term tubes called T-tubes can be used and these tubes cannot be easily expelled by the body under normal conditions. They remain in the ear for more than 1 year as prescribed by the physician and are removed by the physician. is removed.

-- What should be taken into consideration after tube insertion?

Tubes placed in the ear prevent recurrent middle ear infections by ensuring air flows to the middle ear. However, after the ear tube is inserted, there is a risk of water entering the middle ear from the ear canal. For this reason, the ear canal must be blocked in cases such as swimming, bathing, showering, etc. The best way to do this is to use petroleum jelly cotton for disposable use every time you wash it. If a condition such as pain or discharge develops in the ear where the tube was inserted, it is necessary to consult a physician


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