What is cholesterol? Why is it harmful?
Cholesterol is a type of fat that can be synthesized in our body and is used in the production of new cells, repair of nerve cells and hormone production. Cholesterol is found only in foods of animal origin, there is no cholesterol in plant foods. Cholesterol is found in different forms in the body. The most important are LDL and HDL. In simple words; While LDL -“bad” cholesterol- increases the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases, HDL -“good” cholesterol- reduces the risk. Therefore, what is important is not only the total amount of cholesterol in the blood but also the type of cholesterol. This type of cholesterol, which we call LDL, accumulates in the vascular walls and causes arteriosclerosis, leading to blockage in the coronary arteries and heart attack. High cholesterol is an insidious enemy, and its high level causes disease without causing any complaints or symptoms. Therefore, high cholesterol treatment is not a simple cold and flu treatment, but should be continued for a lifetime.
Protection from heart diseases and healthy nutrition;
There are some points that we all know but make mistakes in practice. There is no specific diet to protect heart health. In fact, when a healthy diet is followed, it is also best for the heart. It is enough to know that some foods have a blood cholesterol-lowering effect and that some contain fats that are harmful to the heart and to be careful about them.
First of all, be careful not to fill your stomach with food. Excessive amounts of carbohydrates and proteins are converted into fat and stored in the body. For this reason, it is necessary to leave the table before feeling full. Eat on small plates. You will eat less and be satisfied. 30% of the total daily calories should be taken from fat. Saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats should be present in equal proportions.
Also, as much as possible, avoid eating outside and foods that you do not know what type of oils they are prepared with. Because currently it is imported to European Union countries and cakes etc. Unfortunately, many types of oil that are banned for use in products (palm oil, etc.) are imported to our country in abundance. This type of oil, which is converted into margarine, is solid at room temperature. These are extremely harmful to the heart It is rich in fatty acids, which we call saturated. Good fats are liquid fats and they contain more unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial to the heart and protect against arteriosclerosis. Cholesterol is an animal product and is not found in vegetable oils. Although butter is solid and contains cholesterol, it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. It also contains vitamin E. If solid fat must be used, butter can be preferred over margarine. But care must be taken that it must be pure and not a fraudulent product mixed with solid oils.
Fast food should definitely not be consumed outside. The potatoes in these are fried in oil to make them delicious and crispy. In fact, no matter which oil or fat is used, all fried foods are harmful. Because overheated and even burning oil produces substances that are very harmful to the vessels of your heart. For this reason, if possible, the onion should not be roasted with oil when preparing food and the oil should be added raw, that is, after the food is cooked. Also, olive oil is generally slightly superior to other oils in liquid oils, so it can be preferred. But since olive oil is beneficial, it does not mean that we should consume it in abundance. Because too little is too much harm and too much is stored and increases cholesterol synthesis.
Regular exercise and weight control are as important as nutrition and medications in preventing heart diseases, but unfortunately it is the most neglected issue. It is very beneficial for every person to walk fast, jog or do aerobic exercises for 30-45 minutes, 3-4 days a week, to sweat slightly. These both play a role in cholesterol control and strengthen your heart and vessels. During exercise, you should make an effort so that you can comfortably talk to the person next to you. There is no benefit in overexerting yourself.
After giving this general information, if we give some examples by considering the food groups we consume frequently, it will probably be easier for you to choose healthier things for your heart;
Cereals, legumes and flour products. finished goods;
Whole wheat and rye bread, fat-free crackers, oatmeal, pasta, noodles, bulgur, wheat flour Rice, beans, chickpeas and lentils are recommended. They contain plenty of vitamin E and vitamin B. But attention should be paid to portion sizes. Pastries, cookies, pastries, cakes, pastries and oily biscuits should be avoided. However, rice pilaf should be consumed in small amounts as it is oily and high in calories. (The calories of a spoonful of rice pilaf are close to the same amount of granulated sugar.)
Dairy products,
Fat-free or reduced-fat milk and dairy products (light cheese and yoghurt) should be preferred. Two whole eggs (with yolk) can be eaten boiled a week. You can eat as much white as you want. But if you have made a pastry and put eggs in it, then you should not eat eggs that week. Cream, cream, whipped cream, cream cheese, creamy yoghurt and butter should not be eaten.
Vegetables and fruits;
All of them can be eaten safely as long as they are fresh, but fruits eaten in excess cause fat in the body. It should not be forgotten that it transforms Additionally, fried vegetables should not be eaten. Potato chips are extremely harmful to the heart. It is salty and increases blood pressure, and it is fried. If you eat an apple a day, you don't have to worry about heart diseases. The fiber called pectin found in apples binds itself to cholesterol. Thus, it prevents cholesterol from passing into the vascular walls. Onions and garlic are foods that fight hard for the health of your heart. The substances they contain prevent cholesterol from oxidizing and damaging the walls of the vessels and prevent blood clotting. The substance called lycopene, which gives tomatoes their red color, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the vessels. Let us especially note that tomato paste is a good weapon against cholesterol.
Grapefruitis a source of vitamin C. In addition, the substance that gives color to the pink grapefruit is an antioxidant that protects the vessels from the damage of cholesterol.
Meats and seafood;
All meats that look fatty, salami, sausage, sausage, pastrami. and offal should be avoided. Provided that it is lean, beef, skinless chicken, turkey and fish can be grilled, steamed or boiled or used in meals. Fish should be eaten without frying. Unlike meat, fatty fish are preferred. That is, fish such as bluefish, bluefish, anchovies, and imported frozen mackerel. It should be preferred to lean fish, that is, tuna, bonito, etc. Shrimp, squid, lobster and mussels contain plenty of cholesterol. In addition, mussels are extremely harmful because they are consumed by frying and especially those found in the Marmara region contain elements such as lead and mercury, which we call heavy metals.
Unfortunately, Turkish cuisine is in this regard. It is very rich, but most of it is not good for the heart. Baklava and kadayıf shops opened on every corner whet people's appetite. Most of them use imported oils with solid fat or butter essence to make desserts delicious. They also use glucose syrup, which is frequently used in industry, instead of normal sugar. Rapidly absorbed glucose causes serious insulin secretion, which causes various diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. When you eat such desserts, you may taste the fat that freezes in your mouth and the sour taste of glucose syrup that burns your throat while swallowing the bite. Please eat these with great care. Cream cakes, profiteroles, and ice cream are not actually very healthy due to their high cholesterol or fat content. But milk and milk desserts can be preferred because they do not contain much fat and are rich in protein and calcium. Ashura, tahini-molasses, walnut dip, fruit pulp and sausages, and fruit salads should be preferred as dessert.
Walnuts, almonds, chestnuts and hazelnuts are rich in unsaturated fats. Since they have blood cholesterol lowering effects, they should be preferred. Peanuts, pistachios, salted nuts and coconut should be consumed in small amounts. Hazelnuts and walnuts contain plenty of vitamin E, which protects the vessels. They contain zinc, fiber and magnesium. Put a handful of hazelnuts or 2-3 fresh walnuts in your pocket and have a snack.
Beverages and alcohol;
Tea, coffee, instant coffee, low-calorie soft drinks, tomato juice, fresh fruit juices can be drunk safely without using too much sugar and without exaggerating the amounts. However, they contain additives such as sodium benzoate etc. Those containing preservative salts are sources of extra salt for high blood pressure patients. Avoid drinking large amounts of alcohol as much as possible. is property. However, recent studies have shown that red wine and whiskey, which are fermented alcoholic beverages, contain substances called flavonoids that reduce cholesterol, and it has been stated that a small glass of red wine with dinner is good.
In the past, heart patients were prohibited from drinking tea. Nowadays, it is claimed that tea is extremely beneficial for the heart. Antioxidant substances (Flavonoids) contained in tea prevent the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of the vessels, and also reduce the possibility of blood clots clogging the vessels. However, drinking too much and taking it right after meals may prevent the absorption of iron in foods. If you are a tea drinker, it would be better to get used to drinking it with little or no sugar. Green tea and herbal teas can also be drunk instead of black tea. The amount of cholesterol decreases and your blood pressure becomes regulated. Extra virgin or natural olive oil, which contains unsaturated fatty acids called essential, is more preferred. In the diet known as the Mediterranean cuisine, olive oil is used raw in meals and salads. It is accepted all over the world. Heart diseases are the biggest enemy of all humanity. Let's not forget that In developed countries, deaths from heart diseases are decreasing rapidly, and this decrease is achieved with the development of preventive medicine services. For them, heart attack has now become a disease of older people. Why shouldn't we be like this too? Why should our people succumb to heart disease at a young age? It is very important that groups with lower socioeconomic levels in our country can also access and consume healthy foods and raise awareness of the whole society about healthy nutrition. If I contribute a pinch of thyme to the soup (salt is harmful, I did not want to add salt), I will feel happy. I wish you all days of health and enjoyment.
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