Breast Lift Surgery (Mastopexy, Breast Lift)

Breast lift surgery is performed to recover the breast tissue and increase its firmness by removing excess skin.
Breast lift or lift surgery is performed to recover the breast tissue and increase its firmness by removing excess skin. Meanwhile, the downwardly displaced breast head is transferred to its normal position. Sometimes the enlarged nipple is reduced. Female breasts often lose their youthful fullness and shape as we age. Decrease in breast fullness and loss of elasticity of the breast skin due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, aging, weight gain and loss, gravity and genetic factors cause sagging in the breast. The size of the breast does not change with breast augmentation surgery. If you want to enlarge or reduce the size, additional procedures can be performed in the same session.
Who Can It Be Done For?
For adult women who do not have any health problems, if there is sagging due to weight loss, it can be performed after weight loss has stopped. If you feel that your breasts have become flat, emptied and have lost their normal shape. If the nipple is sagging under the lower fold of the breast. If the nipple is facing the ground. If the areolar area (pink or brown tissue around the nipple) is enlarged. You are a candidate for breast lift surgery.
Anesthesia and Surgery 
We perform it under general anesthesia or sedation (put to sleep with intravenous medication) anesthesia. Preoperative drawings are made; The amount of skin to be removed and the position of the nipple are determined. By removing excess skin, fullness is provided to the breast. After the surgery, the breast tissue is supported with bandages and plasters. If necessary, a drain is placed. There is an average hospital stay of two days. The stitches are removed after fifteen days. The severity of pain caused by arm movements gradually decreases within a few weeks. If there are no problems, the patient can return to normal life within 2-3 weeks. A surgical scar remains around the nipple, running perpendicular to it and on the lower fold of the breast. The first months are more visible, and the redness on the scars decreases over time. Over time, changes may occur in the operated breast.
As with all surgeries, there is anesthesia risk. There may be bleeding or infection. Especially in smokers, there is a greater risk of healing problems at the wound site and failure of nipple retention. Sensation in the nipple Defects, decrease in milk production, hardening in the breast (fat necrosis) may occur. Revision surgeries may sometimes be required due to asymmetry, deformities and irregularities.

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