Obstetrics / Gynecology

The most common statement I hear from my patients is probably "it's hard to be a woman"

It's really hard, it's not insoluble.

I really liked a comment made by Cem Yılmaz in one of his shows. ''Woman is a superior model of human being. That's why they are updated every month.''

It shouldn't be strange that such a complex structure has occasional glitches. You will encounter gynecological problems at any time in your life, from adolescence to menopause. You get confused and unusual scenarios come to your mind. If you also consult Google, oh no... You will cause yourself with a lot of unnecessary diseases. Be sure that even the gynecologist you consulted will be surprised by the variety of these scenarios. However, who knows, the situation is normal and the solution is simple. Or it is something that can be solved with some easy solutions.

Or, a problem that you dismiss as not important and that may cause you unexpected problems can be easily solved by early diagnosis and early precautions. What do they say? Early diagnosis saves lives...

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