Restriction of Movement in the Big Toe

With advanced age, problems such as limitation of movement in the big toe, bone protrusions, and the inability to wear shoes may occur. The condition of decreased movement of the thumb is called Hallux Rigidus, which means stiff finger. The wear of the cartilage tissue between the metatarsal bone and the finger bone of the big toe and the resulting formation of bone protrusions around the joint restricts the movement of the finger and causes pain in the big toe.

The causes of cartilage wear in the big toe (hallux rigidus) are listed below:

Like the cartilage wear in other joints such as the knee and hip, the wear of the articular cartilage of the thumb is also a treatable disease.

How is hallux rigidus (thumb arthritis) treated? Is it diagnosed?

In the examination of an orthopedic specialist experienced in foot surgery, the patient's previous injuries and the presence of other diseases such as concomitant diabetes or vascular occlusion are important.

In the examination, the big toe is examined. Swelling, redness, painful calluses and their locations, the patient's walking style, the strength and functions of the muscles in the foot and ankle are evaluated one by one. Most of the time, in addition to these, x-rays in an appropriate position are sufficient to make the diagnosis.

In the radiological examination (especially in a film taken by pressing), the joint surface, cartilage thickness, location and dimensions of the bone protrusions are examined.


Radiological examination helps to evaluate not only the big toe joint but also the walking style of the whole foot, and also helps to recognize other problems such as cysts and masses that may occur in the bones.


Hallux. How is rigidus (thumb stiffness) treated?

A careful evaluation and examination by an experienced orthopedist will guide the treatment of thumb stiffness, that is, hallux rigidus.

The patient's additional diseases, whether there is blood circulation disorder in the foot, the patient's age and the level of movement in daily life determine the treatment.

Selecting insoles and appropriate shoes according to the patient's complaints and the condition of cartilage wear. and ankle physiotherapy are included in the first-line treatment.

In patients where cartilage wear is not advanced, joint movement is painful, and bone protrusions make it difficult to wear shoes, surgical cleaning of the joint, shaving of the bone protrusions and Relaxation of soft tissues can be applied to patients.


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