With the initiative of the World Mental Health Federation, it has been celebrated as "World Mental Health Day" every year on October 10 since 1992. Its primary goal is to raise public awareness about mental health and, in this process, to highlight the promotion of preventive studies and treatment services against mental disorders. I will write this article in two parts. The first part will be about the definition of mental health and explaining unhealthy human behaviors. In the second part, I will touch upon the misconceptions known by the society about mental health.
Mental health is a concept that covers our emotional, psychological and social health. . It affects our thoughts, feelings and behavior. It affects the way we cope with stress, our relationships with others, and the choices we make about our lives. Mental health is important at every stage of life. Mental health problems seriously affect people's daily lives and cause people to gradually lose their expected work, school, home, social roles and self-care functions, lose their productive nature and sociality, and disrupt their duties. When mental illnesses cannot be treated, they lead to greater loss of function and workforce, family problems, and an increase in the prevalence of the disease and treatment costs. Factors that cause mental health problems can be listed as follows:
Biological factors; genetic predisposition and changes in brain chemistry
Life experiences; traumas or abuses
Having a mental illness in the family
Contrary to popular belief, mental illnesses are a problem that concerns the whole of society and are more common than thought. They are common. Its frequency and prevalence is increasing and it affects every segment of society. When mental illnesses are left untreated, their consequences affect both the individual and the society and can lead to various losses. Today, 25% of people - one in four people - are affected by mental illness at some point in their lives. % of people over the age of 75 who have experienced any mental illness It reaches 50.8. In our country, there may still be hesitations about receiving psychological support due to the stigmatization of mental health problems. Do not hesitate to get help and remember that mental problems can be treated with the right treatment methods.
Do you think you or your loved ones have a mental illness? If you are experiencing one or more of the symptoms I will list, you may have a mental health problem.
Eating and sleeping too much or too little
Getting away from people and tasks in your daily life and not being able to focus
A lack of energy, a constant state of fatigue >Unreasonable physical pains
Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness
Increased addictions
A state of greater confusion, forgetfulness, anger, anxiety, or fear than usual
Sudden changes in mood
Constantly the same thinking about an event or thought
Hearing voices and seeing images that do not exist in reality
Paranoia and fictions
Thoughts of harming yourself or someone else
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