The stomach microbe that plays a role in the brief description and formation of stomach ulcers is - Helicobacter Pylori.
Helicobacter Pylori Infection, one of the most common infections in the world, is acquired in the first years of life and remains untreated unless treated. continues throughout.
How Does an Ulcer Form?
Many ulcers occur with the presence of the Helicobacter Pylori microbe. The presence of Helicobacter Pylori in duodenal ulcers has been found to be high with a rate of almost 100 percent. Some patients have Helicobacter Pylori, but no ulcers are observed, so it is thought that there must be other factors, such as heredity, in addition to the presence of Helicobacter Pylori. Apart from causing ulcers, the presence of Helicobacter Pylori is certain to cause chronic gastritis, and it is also claimed that it causes stomach cancer in later ages.
What are the Causes of Ulcer?
Stomach and duodenal ulcers. main reasons; People with blood type 0, psychological stress, various physical stresses such as trauma, surgical operation, alcohol, caffeine and cigarette use, long-term use of aspirin, cortisone or anti-inflammatory drugs - naproxen sodium and similar ones.
What are the characteristics of the stomach microbe Helicobacter Pylori?
H. Pylori is found in 95 percent of duodenal ulcers, and if the organism is not destroyed, the ulcer recurs. Therefore, eradication of Helicobacter Pylori is an important part of ulcer treatment today. A wide variety of antibiotics are used for this. There are some resistant groups of microbes.
The frequency of stomach aches and other complaints increases in autumn and spring. It is common in shift workers - night workers - workers in the lines, in social professions, members of the judiciary and security, teachers, doctors, journalists and housewives.
What are the main symptoms that suggest peptic ulcer?
What are the main symptoms that suggest peptic ulcer? strong>
Gnawing and burning pain in the upper abdomen after eating or during fasting, pain that wakes you up at night with nausea and stomach pain - especially in duodenal ulcer, pain that disappears with food intake, vomiting and pain that disappears with vomiting, gas, extreme hunger or loss of appetite We can list symptoms such as obesity, anemia and weight loss.
Is Ulcer Dangerous?
Ulcers have dangerous consequences: Stomach bleeding, stomach perforation and are intestinal obstructions. Surgery may become necessary for treatment.
Do Ulcers Cause Other Diseases?
The biggest cause of digestive system bleeding is ulcers. Sometimes it can be seen even in people who have never had stomach pain before. These people vomit a colored material such as "coffee grounds" or "tar-coloured" black, foul-smelling, soft feces. People who notice that their stools are black in color without any other symptoms should immediately consult a health institution. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding should be suspected in case of sudden feeling of discomfort and cold sweat before vomiting and black stools.
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