Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease was first described by the French doctor Prosper Meniere in 1861. It is an inner ear disease that occurs with vertigo, a feeling of fullness in the ear, ringing and hearing loss. Disease caused by fluid pressure in the endolymphatic system of the inner ear; It can only be proven by the findings of the ear bone on the cadaver. Its prevalence in the society is 0.2%. Although the pathology is limited to one ear in approximately two-thirds of the patients, it is bilateral in one-third. It is most common between the ages of 30-60. Genetic continuity can be seen. It is more common in men. Symptoms of Meniere's disease: The most disturbing complaint is dizziness. Episodic (repetitive) attacks of rotational vertigo (circular or swaying movement), hearing loss (hearing gradually decreases in the later stages of the disease), ringing in the ear, which is often heard as a constant sound, occur. Although the duration of attacks varies, they last for half to an hour. At that time, the patient experiences a state of panic, cold sweats, palpitations, nausea and vomiting, the inability to get up from lying down, and the need to stabilize his head. While there is no movement, the patient feels that the environment is rotating. The patient may state that he woke up feeling dizzy. An increase in the intensity of tinnitus may be the first sign of an attack. It is temporary in the early stages. However, it is permanent in the future. Most of the patients have lost their tolerance to noise.
Diagnosis of Meniere's disease: The difficulty in diagnosing this disease arises from the fact that patients cannot fully express what they experience, there are many variations of the disease, and the tests to be performed are not routine tests. The most valuable tool for diagnosis is the use of a common language between the patient and the doctor about the symptoms and taking a very detailed disease history. Recently, we have tests that are extremely complicated but provide accurate results in terms of diagnosis. Hearing tests are the most important of these. Another test, “ecog” (electrocochleography), can show the pressure in the inner ear fluid. To a large extent, it allows us to predict whether a person will have Meniere's disease in the future. The most valuable test t “eng” (electronystagmography) investigates balance functions. It is a test performed in a dark room or with a video-mask, and is based on the principle of stimulating the ears both positionally and with air or liquid and recording involuntary movements in the eyes (vestibulo-ocular reflex). Thanks to this test, we obtain information about the balance reserves of the inner ear at different stages of the disease. Apart from these tests, we can also benefit from the technical facilities that we use in diagnostic methods, but which work specifically and are available in certain centers around the world. Treatment of Meniere's disease: Meniere's disease is kept under 90% control until the end of life with drug treatment and certain lifestyle changes. Patients should follow a low-salt diet along with a lifestyle that minimizes physical or emotional stress. It is necessary to consume foods with low animal fat content and avoid beverages such as caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes, which are thought to increase fluid pressure in the inner ear. Anti-vertiginous drugs, diuretics and benzodiazepine type drugs are used as drug treatment. When nausea and vomiting occur, taking medications may be sufficient. The part of the disease that requires surgical treatment is only in 5-9% of the patient group, and various treatment protocols are available. Some of the people with Meniere's disease may feel that a crisis is coming before the attack, from the increase in head pressure, the severity of tinnitus, and fluctuations in hearing. And he has a relatively controlled attack. However, since the vertigo attack occurs suddenly in the remaining patient group, it is especially dangerous for such patients to drive. Otherwise, the person may be dangerous and damaging to both himself and others.

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