Before Burnout Gets You

I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. I noticed that my bones ached, I was weak, and I didn't want to go to work. The symptoms had started for a while, but I thought it would pass and I ignored it.

I think I couldn't keep up with my work. I feel depressed. I think I'm exhausted now, I have no strength. In short, I am unhappy. Let alone going to the doctor, I didn't even try to ask anyone for help or tell my problem. After all, I had a lot of work to do, worries and expectations about life. There was no time for me...

If these are happening to you, burnout syndrome may be right next to you. This disorder, which we can simply define as 'spiritual and physical energy depletion', significantly affects our daily lives.

Many professions are risk factors for burnout syndrome today. The rapid advancement of informatics affects and consumes people's living and working conditions, and we see that this situation, especially seen in professions that work face to face with people and where intense and continuous relationships prevail, can create problems both individually and institutionally.

We see that burnout can also cause unnecessary problems. It is also observed that it occurs in individuals who take on too much workload, have high standards for their work, or, on the contrary, are not satisfied with their work.

Burnout syndrome includes physical, mental and emotional symptoms.

Physical symptoms include different physical complaints such as chronic fatigue, weakness, loss of energy, frequent headaches and backaches, nausea, muscle cramps, and sleep disorders. It paves the way for the formation of cardiovascular system disorders.

Emotional burnout symptoms aredepressive affect, feeling unsupported and insecure, increase in negative emotions such as anger, restlessness and intolerance, decrease in self-esteem, irritability. It manifests itself with problems such as hypersensitivity to criticism.

Negative attitudes and dissatisfaction towards oneself, one's job and life are symptoms of mental burnout.

If burnout syndrome is not recognized and intervened, it can affect the life of the person and the society. It leads to consequences that may affect At the productivity level, it may lead to a decrease in the quantity and quality of the work done, frequent mistakes and accidents, and ultimately a process that can lead to job loss.

In addition to the characteristics of the work done, the individual characteristics of the person determine how well they can cope with the problems. Being healthy and having adequate social support are among the important factors affecting the level of burnout and its consequences.

Social support is thought to act as a buffer against burnout. It is known that having a close and accessible circle of family and friends reduces the risk of burnout because it gives confidence and supports the individual.

Considering all these symptoms and consequences, we can say that early diagnosis and treatment of burnout syndrome is important individually and institutionally. .

Positive results are achieved in the treatment by aiming to strengthen the individual's ways of coping with stress and increasing individual resilience through both drug treatments and psychotherapy methods.

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