2nd Trimester


The average height is 8.7 cm and the average weight is 43 grams.

Your baby's skin is transparent.

Thyroid. As the gland matures, it begins to produce hormones.

The prostate gland develops in boys.

In baby girls, the ovaries move into the hip.

She learns to suckle. He starts sucking his finger.

The bones are harder than before. It gets stronger day by day.

Feathers called lanugo form on your baby's body. It aims to protect sensitive skin with this feather.

You should have the double test, which is a Down syndrome screening test, within 11 to 14 weeks.


Your baby continues to grow.

Height is 10.1 cm on average and weight is 70 grams on average.

He bends, turns, holds, moves his eyes and eyebrows, and sucks his finger.


Body size exceeds head size. Legs extend beyond arm's length. And he can move these limbs.

The development process of the sense of hearing begins. Since the development of the hearing center in the brain has not yet been completed, you can start making him/her listen to music even if he/she cannot hear your voice fully.

Nails continue to grow.

Eyebrows grow.

Hair also grows. It is ready.


The average height is 11.6 cm and the average weight is 100 grams.

You may be able to listen to the heartbeat.

Heart beats are twice as fast as yours.

There is a possibility of learning the gender.

The fat layer under the skin begins to form.

You can see your baby yawning. , hiccuping, sucking, swallowing.

He now knows how to breathe. His chest moves regularly. This also contributes to the development of your lungs.

If you have not been able to have the double test between the 16th and 18th weeks, do not forget to have the quadruple test, which is a Down syndrome screening test.


The average height is 13 cm and the average weight is 140 grams.

While your baby is a fetus, its appearance is now changing to a human appearance.

He has learned to hold his head upright.

The body, arms and legs have exceeded the height of the head.

The folds on the fingers and heels have begun to become more visible.

Digestive wastes. The substance called meconium, which contains the baby and the amniotic fluid he swallowed, begins to accumulate in the intestines. After birth, he will expel this feces.

The umbilical cord is thicker and stronger.

Prostate formation continues in male babies.

Cartilage turns into bone, but there is comfort during birth. It remains flexible to provide Consume foods containing plenty of calcium for your baby's bone, muscle and teeth development.

If you have not been able to have the double test between the 16th and 18th weeks, do not forget to have the quadruple test, which is a Down syndrome screening test.


The average height is 14.2 cm and the average weight is 190 grams.

Along with lanugo, the protective substance called vernix begins to form. This substance aims to protect the baby.

Small air sacs called alveoli begin to form. Until birth, there will be water in the alveoli instead of air. Your baby will use his lungs better in the future.

Vocal cords are formed. He will not be able to use his vocal cords yet because there is no air inside.

If you have not been able to have the double test between the 16th and 18th weeks, do not forget to have the quadruple test, which is a Down syndrome screening test.

If the risk is high as a result of the quadruple test. If there is a problem with the ultrasound, if you are over 35 or if you have had chromosomal problems in your previous pregnancies, amniocentesis is recommended by your doctor.


Average height is 16.4 cm. , the average weight is 300 grams.

Hair may become visible.

Milk teeth will bud.

If your baby is a boy, male organs may become visible.

>If it is a girl, the uterus begins to form.

She drinks the amniotic fluid and urinates this fluid. He drinks the urinated liquid again. You don't need to worry, it has nutritional properties and is germ-free.

Nerve cells are covered with a fatty layer called myelin. This layer has a neuroprotective feature.


We're already half way through. Your baby's height is 25.5 cm on average and his weight is 300 grams on average.

Growth will not be this fast anymore, but the weight will increase rapidly.

Your baby starts to react especially to sounds. He will now hear your voice. to him? Don't forget to make him listen to music and talk to him.

Taste, smell, hearing and visual nerves develop in the brain.

His heart gets stronger. When you put your hand on your belly, you can feel the heartbeat.

Muscles are developing. His legs are more mobile. You can feel its kicks.

Ultrasonography, which provides a detailed evaluation of the baby by perinatalologists, is usually performed between the 18th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy.


The average height is 26.7 cm and the average weight is 360 grams.

If your baby's gender is a girl, the uterus and vagina are fully formed.

Your baby is practicing digestion inside. After taking the amniotic fluid in, the body turns it into water and sends the excess to the intestines.

Pay more attention to your sleep and eating and drinking habits. Because your baby is starting to create his own sleep patterns according to you. It draws its own plan according to the light, sound and movement outside.

Transparency gradually decreases.

Language is fully formed. She is constantly in motion.


The average height is 28 cm and the average weight is 430 grams.

You can now speak better. perceives. Talk to him, sing to him, read a book. And feel his movements when he hears you.

Nails are still growing.

Eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed.

Your baby's brain development has started to accelerate.

>If your baby is a boy, testosterone production has started.


The average height is 28.9 cm and the average weight is 500 grams.

Eyes formed. However, the pigments that give the eye its color are not there yet.

The bones in the middle ear have hardened.

Your baby can now hear more clearly. Since men's voices are deeper, your baby will hear his father's voice more clearly.

The pancreas is developing, hormone production continues.


Height is 30 cm on average and weight is 600 grams on average. Yes, your baby gained 100 grams more in 1 week! It is now large enough to be touched.

Their sense of taste is well developed. If you send him a food he doesn't like, he may not be happy.

Muscles have developed, coordination is at a good level. Don't suck your finger You can tell from its appearance.

Sweat glands begin to form.

Air sacs begin to form in the lungs.

He gains the ability to survive this week. However, the danger continues in case of a possible premature birth.

To have a 50 gram glucose loading test, you should wait between 24-28 days. You are in the appropriate period between weeks of pregnancy. If this test is higher than normal, a 75 or 100 gram Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) should be performed.


Average height He is 34.6 cm, and his average weight is 660 grams.

He is now skilled enough to throw a fist and squeeze his palm.

His swallowing reflex develops further. The spine is formed. The spine protects the spinal cord through which the nerves pass.

Blood vessels in the lungs develop.

Nostrils open.

Nerves around the mouth and lips begin to function.


The average height is 35.6 cm and the average weight is 760 grams.

The spine becomes stronger and more flexible.

Air cushions form in the lungs.

A fatty substance called surfactant begins to form in the lungs. This substance ensures that the lungs do not stick together.

The optic nerves are working. When a light is shined on the mother's abdomen, the baby perceives the light.

The eyes are open and begins to blink.

The retina continues to develop.



The average height is 36.6 cm and the average weight is 875 grams.

The average height and weight we give each week varies for each baby. Your baby may be larger than normal or smaller than normal. Don't leave any question marks in your mind about this.

Brain development continues rapidly. Talk, read books, listen to music.

The sense of hearing improves. Sounds are perceived.

He started breathing exercises.

The lungs continue to grow. He prepares himself for the outside.

His eyelids are more open. It is now easier for him to distinguish between darkness and light.

The retina has completed its formation. Your baby can now see.

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