When the baby's head-butt distance measurement is between 45 mm-84 mm, that is, between 11 weeks, 3 days and 14 weeks, 3 days of gestation
In this examination, the nuchal translucency of the baby (nuchal translucency or more commonly called nuchal translucency in the community) is measured, and the presence or absence of nasal (nasal) bone is detected. The presence of fetal gastric juice and the dimensions of the urinary bladder are evaluated. In general, the shape structure of the baby's body, the integrity of the anterior abdominal wall, the arms and legs are reviewed. the current risk ratio is determined. The importance of this is that it guides further diagnostic investigations in high-risk situations.
In addition, bilateral uterine artery (uterine artery) resistances can be measured in the later weeks of pregnancy, high blood pressure in the mother, preeclampsia (metabolic disorder described as pregnancy poisoning in the community), amnion in the baby. A risk situation can be predicted in terms of a decrease in blood flow and the possibility of growth-development retardation.
This examination, which can also be called fetal anomaly scan or detailed pregnancy ultrasound, is where the organs and anatomical structures of the developing baby in the womb are evaluated in terms of congenital anomalies (injuries). It is a detailed ultrasound examination.
What is meant by ultrasound examinations called color ultrasound, 3 or 4 dimensional ultrasound in the community is actually this examination performed for the purpose of anomaly screening.
18 recommended for this examination -24 weeks, more ideally between 20-22 weeks, if possible, it should be done to every pregnant woman.
The morphological structures of the baby and its organs are examined in the scan. It is checked whether there is a positive finding in terms of hereditary diseases that can be detected in the mother's womb. If an anomaly incompatible with life is detected in the presence of current findings, it may be possible to terminate the pregnancy in the presence of other further investigations. is growing. If other anomalies compatible with life are detected, early diagnosis and early postnatal intervention and treatment are possible in some of them. A risk situation can be predicted in terms of preeclampsia (metabolic disorder defined as pregnancy poisoning in the community), decrease in amniotic fluid in the baby, growth-development retardation.
It is an ultrasound examination performed between 24-36 weeks. If an abnormality is detected in the uterine artery evaluations in the 1st and 2nd trimesters, this examination should be performed in terms of follow-up and conditions such as decrease in amniotic fluid that may develop in the baby, growth-development retardation, and deterioration in the baby's blood circulation. In addition, ultrasound findings (for example, the width of the renal collecting system) detected in earlier examinations and requiring follow-up are also evaluated with the examination performed between these weeks.
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