Fungal Diseases (tinea)

Fungal diseases are called by different names depending on the affected body part. Tinea Pedis is a term used to refer to a fungal infection of the foot. Tinea corporis refers to the fungal infection of the body and Tinea unguium refers to the fungal infection of the nails.

Fungi are living microorganisms and they grow and multiply in every person. People's foot and shoe hygiene is of great importance in the formation of this infection.

It does not develop in people who traditionally walk barefoot. Sweaty, moist and inadequately ventilated feet are perfect environments for the development of causative fungi. Mushrooms like to grow in moist - wet environments. Sweating feet, feet that are not dried after washing, tight shoes and socks, hot climate facilitate the development of fungus.

Peeling between the toes, crusting, cracks, redness on the soles of the feet, crusting, dandruff, water-filled blisters and itching. can be seen in different ways. Toenails can also sometimes become infected.(Tinea unguium)It can present with different clinical images such as dull, discolored, thickened or deformed nails.

If left untreated, cracks occur on the feet. and disruption of skin integrity will facilitate the development of bacterial infections.

We can prevent fungus formation or recurrence by paying attention to the simple rules listed below.

Samyeli (Tinea Versicolor)

Samyeli (Tinea versicolor) is characterized by chronic, well-defined borders and various pigmentations that often occur on the body, accompanied by the superficial growth of fungal hyphae. These are scaly patches. This fungus often occurs on the body and is normally found in the skin keratin and hair follicle in people of puberty and above.

It is an opportunistic organism. This infection is not contagious. It occurs with the excessive increase of permanent flora under certain suitable conditions.

The Onset Age of Samyeli is young adults. Factors predisposing to Samyeli Disease: It is high temperature, humidity, excessive sweating and decrease in body resistance.

Samyeli skin lesions are moderately itchy. People are often worried about stains. The spots are of different diameters, oval and round in shape, with sharp borders. On untanned skin, the lesions are light brown. It is white on tanned skin. Some lesions may be red.

Distribution: Distributed to the trunk and upper arms, neck, abdomen, armpit, groin, hip, genital areas.

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