There are different types of depression. Major depression, also called clinical depression, and chronic depression, also known as dysthymia, are the most commonly observed depression clinics. Types of depression include atypical depression, Bipolar Depression or Manic Depression, Seasonal Depression, Psychotic Depression, and postpartum depression.
On average, there are 4-4 depressions in society. 1 in 5 people will experience major depression at some point in their lives.Major depression affects adults, teenagers, children and the elderly. Not being able to eat, losing weight, having a depressed mood, not being able to enjoy things that used to be enjoyed before, the person becoming unable to work, suffering from insomnia, the person becoming indifferent to the developments in his family and close circle, almost withdrawing into his own world can be mentioned.
Clinical depression, also called major depression, is normal. It can cause a situation that disrupts daily life…
Depressive symptoms cause intense sadness and even dysfunction. In clinical depression, symptoms occur spontaneously, but do not improve without treatment. It should be known that it does not occur as a result of medication side effects or drug addiction, or other medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, like some depression states.
The feeling of unhappiness, excessive anxiety and anxiety, when the person wakes up Feeling constantly unhappy and hopeless from that moment on, and being in a deep and constant feeling of hopelessness and helplessness. If there are other symptoms as well as the first symptoms, it is possible that you have major depression and you should immediately consult a specialist to get help.
If Major Depression If you are suffering from depression , you may be experiencing symptoms that make it difficult for you to work, do business, sleep, eat, and enjoy life and your friends the way you used to. Some people experience clinical depression only once in their lives. Others may encounter this several times in their lives. This is not the same as most people feeling sad or bad to some extent about the negativity in their lives. Sometimes they are in a depressed mood. In addition to the symptoms of major depression such as helplessness, worthlessness, and indifference to events, there are also traces in the person's dreams parallel to the emotional collapse and intense nightmares.
According to DSM-IV (guideline for diagnosing mental health conditions), other symptoms that may be seen in a person with major depression are;
- Significant weight loss or gain (more than 5% of body weight in a month). significant change)
- Marked loss of interest and pleasure in almost all activities almost every day
- Loss of energy or fatigue almost every day
- Immediately Feeling of worthlessness and guilt almost every day
- Poor concentration, indecisiveness
- Insomnia or hypersomnia almost every day
- Psychomotor restlessness or slowness
- It can be listed as having repeated thoughts of death or suicide (not just fear of death)..
In order for the person to be diagnosed with major depression, one of the symptoms we have mentioned and a depressed mood must be observed. Symptoms occur almost every day and persist for most of the day. When this situation lasts for at least two weeks, it is classified as major depression.
- Sadness of losing a loved one due to death, divorce and separationSocial interpersonal differences or feelings of deprivation that lead to isolation
- Major life changes - moving, graduation, job change, retirement
- Personal conflict in relationships with partner or manager at work
- The person has experienced physical, sexual or emotional abuse
In some families, major depression shows a familial predisposition, there may be a tendency to depression... but those who have never had depression in their family or history may also experience major depression...
Chronic Depression or Dysthymia is the presence of a depressed mood that persists for two years or more. Chronic depression is less severe than clinical depression and does not interfere with the person's daily life. If you have dysthymia or chronic depression, have had one or two episodes of major depression in your life
Symptoms of Atypical Depression include overeating, hypersensitivity to lack of value, increased irritability, oversleeping, feeling chronic fatigue, overreaction to negatively perceived situations, and mood that worsens or improves disproportionately to the situations. General. In depression, a widespread state of sadness is noted. Bipolar Depression or Manic Depressive Attacks are sometimes called manic depressive illness. It is a mental health disorder characterized by periodic changes between two moods, ranging from clinically observed periods of depression and periods of extreme enthusiasm or mania. There are two subtypes: bipolar I and bipolar II. In bipolar I, patients have a history of at least one manic episode, which may sometimes be accompanied by major depressive episodes. In Bipolar II, patients may have a history of at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic (mildly euphoric) episode…
Previous bipolar disorder with manic depression. It was said. It is a major affective disorder or mood disorder characterized by dramatic mood changes. Bipolar disorder is a serious clinical condition when mania causes insomnia, sometimes for days, unrealistic perceptions, delusions and/or paranoid states that may extend to hallucinations, psychosis. Abnormal changes in the level of consciousness that will require medical attention and hospital treatment of the person and relatives to ensure the patient's safety. It is a risky clinical picture that is experienced… In the etiology of bipolar disorder, mood swings, which are mentioned as genetically based, fluctuate from major or clinical depression to mania or extreme enthusiasm. Mood changes can range from very mild to very severe, and their clinical duration varies. Mood changes may occur suddenly after a negative experience or may be gradual. Bipolar disorder usually occurs between the ages of 15 and 24 and lasts throughout life. Newly diagnosed mania is rarely seen in children and people over the age of 65. Along with dramatic mood swings, patients with bipolar disorder may experience thought disturbances during bipolar phases. Perception distortions and abnormalities in social functions may also develop.
The relapse rate of bipolar disorder is high if left untreated, with relapses and regressions. Patients with high mania are usually hospitalized to prevent them from risky behavior and suicidal thoughts.
Clinical depression symptoms seen with bipolar disorder are;
- Decreased appetite and/or weight loss, or excessive eating and weight gain
- Difficulty concentrating, remembering and making decisions
- Fatigue, decreased energy, slowing down
- Guilt, worthlessness, feeling of helplessness
- Despair, pessimism
- Insomnia, waking up early during the day or sleeping excessively
- Decreased interest and pleasure in previously enjoyed activities and hobbies, including sex
- Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain.
- Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" moods
- Anxiety, hypersensitivity
- Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts
SEASONAL DEPRESSION is also called seasonal affective disorder. This clinical picture occurs in the person at almost the same time every year. It usually starts in autumn or winter and ends in spring or summer. It is not the same as "winter depression". Another rare type is called "summer depression", it begins in late spring, early summer and ends in autumn. PSYCHOTIC DEPRESSION is a serious clinical condition in which delusional thoughts or other severe findings of psychosis are accompanied by symptoms of depression. It is a painting.. . With psychotic depression, psychosis is a state of detachment from reality, that is, a severe state in which the person's place-time-space orientation is lost, in addition to the severe clinical state in which the depression picture is added. Patients struggle with hallucinations and delusions on a psychotic basis. In order to ensure the safety and treatment of the patient, it may be necessary to hospitalize the patient and administer medications and other treatments by specialist physicians.
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