Adolescence and Family

Communication within the family is an important and needed concept for all of us. The mother and father's communication with their baby begins with the moment they decide to give birth.

The child's attachment to the family is at its most intense during the 0-6 age period. What happens during this period and adolescence are the periods that have the most impact on the child's personal development and adulthood. Secure and insecure attachment types with parents develop during this period.

With the beginning of the primary school period, the child gets to know the teacher, whom he trusts and whose teachings he believes, after his parents. The family begins to develop an attachment to the teacher to whom they entrust their child. Sometimes children experience conflicts between their parents and teachers. With statements such as "No, mom, you didn't explain it correctly, my teacher is not like that, he explains it like this" or "If I don't do my homework tomorrow, my teacher will be upset", he takes responsibility towards his teacher, whom he trusts like his family. With the onset of adolescence, the child's awareness of the social environment increases, and as he gets older, he develops trustworthy relationships in social life. While the problems experienced until this period were shared only with the parents, later the sharing increases with both the parents and the circle of friends.

Until these processes;

Emotional, trust and love. Parents who provide an appropriate environment, accept what their child is experiencing, respect their child's life, make explanations by establishing a cause-effect relationship between events, and explain the boundaries reflect the "harmonized family" approach to us, and unfortunately, very few of us have a harmonious family.

When a child gets older, who is anxious, insecure, and has been exposed to situations such as reflecting the stress he/she has experienced in response to life's difficulties to the child as if it were the child's fault, not listening, scolding in front of the crowd, and criticizing, ", our emotional bond has not developed"...

Of course, it is very nice for a 15-year-old teenager to talk about his problems only with his peers, to receive emotional support from them, and to have people around him whom he can trust. However, no matter how old a person is, he always looks for emotional support and unconditional acceptance in his family. This situation The children of families who cannot meet their needs and cannot establish emotional bonds may develop wrong friendships, alcohol and substance abuse, academic failure, depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders and pathologies that can lead to schizophrenia.

If you only tell your children to do their homework regularly, We encounter symptoms of pathology such as giving them responsibilities such as keeping their room tidy and helping with the housework, your children moving away from you and only having too many relationships with their peers, conflict within the family, the desire to stay out late, the desire to spend too much money.

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