Head Trauma

How does a person get hit on the head, either in a fight - a
traffic accident - or as a result of a fall. However, no matter how this impact
must be very violent to cause damage. Because the human brain is protected by a bone cover that is more than 1
centimeter thick, that is, the skull.

However, since the organ in question is very sensitive, head traumas can
be fatal.

Patients who can reach the emergency services alive are taken to intensive care units; Sometimes they may undergo surgery urgently, sometimes later, they may remain in a coma that may last for months, and they may require rehabilitation for very long periods of time.

Despite all these efforts, these patients will never be the same.
Sometimes they may have to live with some sequelae, they may have epilepsy and have to take medication for life, and sometimes they may show some personality
changes. For these reasons, the use of modern protection
methods such as seat belts, airbags and helmets should never be neglected.

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