Sexual abuse is an important problem affecting society. Sexual abuse is the use of a child between the ages of 0-18 by adults to satisfy their sexual desires and has devastating effects on children. Sexual abuse of a child by someone from the same family both leads to a more traumatic result for the child and is much more difficult to reveal. Domestic sexual abuse hinders the healthy development of the child and causes many psychiatric problems. In this article, the definition of abuse, its consequences, the effect of domestic abuse on the child, the situation of the family in the case of domestic abuse and legal processes are mentioned.
Keywords: sexual abuse, domestic sexual abuse, legal processes
According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1989, every individual under the age of 18 is considered a child. abuse; sexual, physical and emotional abuse. When examined worldwide, it is seen that the sexual, physical and emotional abuse experienced by children has continued for centuries (Çetin and Altıner, 2019). The World Health Organization has defined child abuse as all kinds of negative behaviors that negatively affect the physical, social and emotional development of individuals under the age of 18 and harm the individual and are made for the exploitation of the child (World Health Organization, 2014). Such negative behaviors hinder the development of the child and cause great mental damage. Physical abuse is the reflection of the anger directed at the child and the need for discipline to the child as physical force. In addition to physical violence, psychological consequences such as fear, withdrawal, depression, anxiety, loss of confidence are seen in the child. Emotional abuse is when the child's caregivers do not meet the emotional needs of the child, and the child feels unloved, worthless, inadequate, useless, inferior and guilty. Sexual abuse is the hardest to spot among other types of abuse and it is experienced in two different ways. The first of these is voyeurism without making contact, sexual organ to the child. It is structured as showing off, having sexual intercourse with the child, and exhibitionism. In the other type, actions such as forcing the child to oral-anal-genital sexual intercourse, using it for pornographic purposes, touching the child's genitals, and friction are seen. The World Health Organization defines sexual abuse as involving or condoning any sexual activity that is not suitable for the child's development, which the child cannot make sense of and comprehend in terms of cognitive development, and therefore cannot give any consent (World Health Organization, 2020).
While all kinds of child abuse have terrible consequences, sexual abuse of a child by someone from within the family causes many major problems such as trauma, trust problems, depression, and family problems. Domestic sexual abuse is known as incest and is the most severe form of sexual abuse that is traditionally considered illegal and socially taboo (Çiçek et al., 2021). Although domestic sexual abuse is mostly carried out by primary relatives such as natural parents, siblings, and non-blood relatives, sexual interaction between non-blood-related family members such as non-blood-related stepmothers, stepchildren or step-fathers is also considered as domestic sexual abuse (Akçe et al. Dogan, 2020). Domestic abuse is usually committed in the home where the child lives, and the child does not tell anyone about the situation because of fear of possible consequences. Domestic sexual abuse can continue from infancy to adulthood.
The sexual abuse of a child by someone close to the family or unknown is called pedophilia.
Children Exposed to Trauma
Negative experiences of children during childhood are psychological, social and behavioral both in the short term and in the long term. causes serious problems. The effect of sexual abuse on children varies according to who practices it, how it is practiced and how many times it is practiced. Incest child abuse, as being exposed to sexual abuse by the people around him whom he trusts, loves and believes will protect him creates a much greater loss of trust in the child. It is the most severe type of sexual abuse that hurts the most and leaves scars that are unlikely to be compensated in later life. The fact that it is difficult to reveal and continues for a longer period of time compared to other sexual abuse experiences also increases the traumatic effect (Demirci et al., 2020). In some studies, it has been stated that the greater the closeness between the abuser and the abused child, the greater the psychiatric disorders that the victim will experience in the future. In a study by Testa et al. in 2005, it was found that those who were exposed to sexual abuse in their childhood applied to psychiatry units 3.65 times more often than those who were not exposed, that personality disorders and other psychiatric disorders were more common in these individuals, and that suicide attempt rates were also higher. detected. Traumatic effects such as insecurity, betrayal, sexual dysfunction, and weakness can be observed in children who have been sexually abused. At the same time, problems such as being more interested in sexuality than required by the developmental stages, exhibiting sexualized behaviors, developing negative attitudes towards sexuality, confusion about sexual identity and anxiety about the future sexual life can be experienced (Çetin and Altıner, 2019). In the study conducted by Öztürk in 2009, it was stated that the family members of sexually abused children are generally not connected to each other, their feelings are negative and weak, they consist of broken families, they have high anxiety and lack of self-confidence. Especially if the perpetrator is a member of the family or close to the family, the feeling of betrayal and guilt is intense in the child who has been sexually abused. With stigma, the child feels excluded and isolates himself, cannot feel belonging anywhere, and may turn to wrong actions with the thought that he will not be accepted by his environment.
The long-term effects of sexual abuse are manifested by the short-term effects becoming chronic and appearing in later processes (Alpaslan, 2014, p.199). In children exposed to sexual abuse, trauma symptoms such as sleep disorders, anxiety, physical symptoms and startle occur acutely in the short term. A At the same time, there are social effects such as introversion, decrease in school success, decrease in sociability, and communication problems with peers. In addition, while children exposed to sexual abuse may experience post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, depression and various phobias in the short term; Psychiatric disorders such as personality disorders, sexual dysfunctions and substance abuse may be observed in the long term, and suicidal behavior may be encountered. The feeling of being lost can be seen and it increases the severity of the psychological problems that the child will experience. In the physical picture of sexual abuse, symptoms such as bruises, vaginal bleeding, tears in the hymen and anus, pain in the genital area, difficulty in walking and sitting can be seen in the short term, while chronic abdominal pain, sexual diseases, somatic complaints and pregnancy may be experienced in the long term.
The Psychic Picture of the Family and Inter-Family Relations
Increst relationships have negative biopsychosocial consequences in the child exposed to sexual abuse. Not only will it cause a great trauma, but it also harms the society and the family, which is an important building block of the society, and causes a great trauma. Due to the fact that sexual abuse is experienced within the family, is prohibited and unacceptable by the society, it is more difficult to reveal incest relationships in all developed or underdeveloped societies compared to other forms of abuse (Domaç, 2019). The main reasons for hiding and covering up this situation are that the emergence of incest in the same house is against religious and moral aspects, fear of the reaction of the society, their lack of economic freedom and their inability to leave the house, and their unwillingness to disrupt the established family order. In addition, children exposed to sexual abuse realize what this experience means when they begin to understand what sexuality is after puberty. When domestic sexual abuse is experienced, mixed feelings such as intense surprise, inability to sit, and anger may be experienced in family members. Some parents experience sexual harassment It has been stated that they started to look for the fault in the child in order to forget the past (İbiloğlu et al., 2018)
In families where incest is observed, it has been observed that family members are intensely attached to each other due to the fear of abandonment and the breakup of their families. This is a clear indication of a dysfunctional family system. The external appearance of the family may be normal, but upon closer examination, the pathological internal mechanisms of the family become evident. In the family, which is usually rigidly patriarchal, the father often maintains his dominant position with violence or threats. Role confusion is common in the family and it is seen that the mother leaves most of her duties to her daughter (Domaç, 2019). There is social isolation in the family, family members have only superficial contacts with strangers and are closed to the outside. Since the father is seen as the key element protecting the family in incest families, realizing that the victim's disclosure of the incest secret will likely result in their removal from the family provides motivation to maintain silence (Swanson & Biaggio, 1985). When we look at the studies, it has been determined that there is a deterioration in the boundaries of the rules of intimacy depending on gender and age, in various studies conducted in North America and Western European countries, in families where incest cases are detected (İbiloğlu et al., 2018). In families where incest cases are seen, the child/young person or mother who is the victim of incest is usually blamed. The victim child is accused of inviting the abuser to incest, provoking the person, and consenting to this situation by not telling the incident right away. However, mothers are also accused of not noticing the incident, not being able to stop it, not being able to meet the sexual desires of their spouses, neglecting the family, home and children (Domaç, 2019). As a result of these negative experiences, weakening of emotional ties in the family, damage to family communication, aggressive expression of emotions, and physical fights may occur. In addition, the family can break up.
Legal Processes
It is the family's duty to take care of and protect the child, and ensure its safety, until the child turns 18. Protecting the child from the bad behavior of parents or non-family members and providing treatment for children exposed to such behavior.
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