The sentence 'Surgical branches are the inadequacy of medicine' is actually an important issue that needs to be considered. Yes, 20 years ago, the only solution for vascular occlusion was bypass surgery, but today, patients can regain their health with half an hour of stent placement. Then, can problems such as sagging on our face and decreased skin quality be treated with fillers, botox, mesotherapy, youth vaccine and spider web methods instead of face lift surgery? Is there a need for a 5-hour face lift surgery? I must admit that even the idea of surgery scares people!
In fact, most of the patients who come for examination have a wrong perception or misinformation. Of course, they are not the ones to blame here, it is us doctors who turn these treatments into a tabloid situation. Let's examine our face and aging a little then.
Basically, 3 changes occur on the face due to the effect of time and gravity (There are many people who think that it is just sagging). The first and most important change is that the leather loses its quality and elasticity over time. The two most effective reasons for this after aging are sun exposure (ultraviolet A and B) and smoking. The most ideal treatment option for patients with decreased skin quality is treatments such as mesotherapy, PRP and salmon DNA, which will increase the skin quality.
The second change is the deterioration of the structure of the fat pads present on the face, especially in the areas of the cheek and cheekbones, and their volume. is a decrease. In this case, you may have guessed that the treatment options that increase skin quality mentioned above will be ineffective. Filling or fat grafting are the two main treatment options in these patients. The aim here is to replace the decreased volume.
The third change is the occurrence of sagging on the face. This is the part of the treatment where most mistakes are made. So what are these mistakes? The most common situation I encounter is excessive filling applied to patients to correct sagging skin. Well, there is no volume reduction that we need to replace here. Why so much filler! Another picture is that the patient had a spider web, and the patients describe their situation as follows: Doctor, I went to a center. They put spider web on me for this much price When there was no change, I applied to that center again and they said that the thread used was insufficient and that they needed to apply some more thread for a certain price. I paid again, but the result did not change.
Unfortunately, the only effective method for patients with significant sagging on the face today is face lift surgery. After this surgery, the patient experiences a rejuvenation of 5-15 years. Treatments to improve skin quality or correct decreased volume, such as fat grafting and mesotherapy, are only additional treatments that will support the face lift.
If we conclude our article without getting bored, the most important factor in the treatment you will have on your face is to correctly identify the problem and respond to it. is to apply the correct treatment accordingly.
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