When will the pain of the past go away?

It all started when I realized that I didn't want to be psychoanalyzed. So there is something in my past that I don't want to know. Actually, I don't want to know that. My memory is not bad either. I have to admit to myself that it happened. But it hurts so much when I think about him. The problem is not that I cannot remember that thing, but that it hurts so much when I remember it." , when he says he doesn't want to talk, I hear him say "I'm not ready for this place yet, it hurts so much", silently, and I always stop and wait with great patience...
Actually, I'm not a therapist stuck in the past. I mostly listen to the present in the client's words. ... he looks at what he did today.... I try to make him realize what he did today. But sometimes we get stuck in a vicious circle. The vicious circle that occurs in life has started to happen between both of us in therapy. First, as Yalom said, we look at what happened between the two of us. If my client understands what is happening but cannot get out of that mood, emotional state
then it comes down to it... then the past... then there is a need to travel to the wound of that past... Then I know it is hurting. .. then very calmly... with great patience, then the journey to pain begins as quickly as he wants... and then the wounds of the heart are slowly opened... and transformation only takes place by confronting the past... and it ends only when the pain passes through you ...


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