Nowadays, Generation Z is generally referred to as the generation born after the 1990s. This generation, also called the millennium generation, has its own characteristics, tendencies and behaviors. One of the common characteristics of this generation is that these individuals grew up with the internet and technology. No matter how small or big, these children are screen children. We will not examine the styles and tendencies of this generation, what they like, how they communicate, etc.
It is widely stated that Generation Z gets stressed more easily, has limited relationships with their environment, has a decreased sense of satisfaction, and is adventurous. Their prominent characteristics are that they are fast, analytical, depoliticized and free individuals.
As we mentioned, there is probably no member of this generation who is a screen child without a mobile phone. They spend almost half of the day in front of the phone or screen. Let's focus on the mobile phone.
Unfortunately, this device, sorry, toy, is the disease of our age and causes many health problems. We will focus primarily on pain, but the fact that phones create isolated individuals away from society, exposure to radiation, physical strain and anatomical changes caused by staying in certain positions for hours and their effects on our quality of life are situations that need to be addressed.
As it is known that people who use phones use their phones. They hold it in their hands and their necks are constantly bending downwards. Nobody lifts their cell phone up to eye level, it's not practical anyway, they always keep it down at about 45 degrees. Where is the harm in this, you ask? Normally, when standing upright, a 5-kilogram load is placed on the neck nerves and muscles, but this load increases to 25-30 kilos due to looking down while using the phone. I think you can guess how much pressure the bones, muscles and nerves are under. The result of this bad position is the modern disease called "techno neck".
What's going on? There are many problems that you can increase the number of, such as hunchback, scoliosis, stiff neck, headaches, cervical hernias.
As physicians, we used to see cervical hernias more frequently after the age of 25. Nowadays, after the age of 10, neck stiffness, headaches and backaches began to occur. In other words, cervical disc hernia in 15-year-olds. We started to encounter � more frequently. Unfortunately, despite all our warnings, these mobile phones seem to cause many different problems not only in Generation Z but also in all ages. I advise you to take precautions before these modern devices cause pain in your life and your pocket.
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