Why Do People Get Married?

When we think about the question of why people get married, the answer everyone gives varies. Do people marry just because they are in love? Is it just a matter of breathing in the same house and sleeping on the same pillow with the partner you like? Of course, love is one of the biggest reasons for marriage, but there is more. In our society, there is a phrase and understanding of the age of marriage that young people hear a lot: "You are of marriageable age". When we think about what the marriage age is, although there is no scientific explanation, young people between the ages of 20-30 are generally subjected to this pressure. As a result of this pressure, young people may also engage in the act of marrying. Underlying this should, should situation is also the fact that young people put their family's happiness before their own happiness. "The young man of marriageable age" prioritizes his family in his value judgments with the thought of "let my family see my success and be happy".

Some marriages are a kind of investment in the future, based on the principle of existentialism. When talking about investing in the future, don't think of financial matters. This situation is completely related to thinking about the future and the life to be spent in the future. “What if I am alone in the future?” The question brings about the birth of relationships.

In couples who want to have children, in addition to the familiar thoughts such as the desire to continue the generation, there is also the pleasure of feeling needed by someone else. In some couples, the filter for choosing a partner is "a real family man!" or “This woman is a very good mother to her children.” and consists of similar sentences. Marriages to have children can also be explained as a couple's desire to contribute to both themselves and life.

In addition to all this, while some are looking for answers to curious questions such as how life is with someone and why people get married, others plans to develop a sense of confidence in life. While some people get married to escape from the problems at home when they are single and take shelter in a new haven, some get married for a plate of food and some get married for a shoulder or elbow that protects them.
The answer to the question of why people marry varies from person to person. Everyone's wishes and expectations are different in this regard, as in every subject. Whatever the reason is I wish you a peaceful relationship where the windows of love, respect and loyalty are always preserved.

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