What is Advanced (detailed) Fetal Ultrasonography and How is it Done?

One of the most important stages of monitoring a healthy pregnancy is the second level ultrasound examination, in which all organs and formations of the developing baby are examined in detail.

This examination includes various methods such as second trimester ultrasonography scan, detailed fetal examination, anatomical examination. names are given. Among the public, it is also misnamed as color ultrasound.

Detailed ultrasonography 18-24. Can be done within weeks. During this period, the baby and its organs have grown sufficiently and the amount of water around the baby is abundant to obtain a better image. Another reason why it is done during this period is that if a possible anomaly is detected, it is not too late to terminate the pregnancy. In our center, the application is performed between the 20th and 22nd weeks.

In order to make a sound evaluation, it would be appropriate to use an ultrasound device with superior technical features.

Detailed ultrasonography should be performed by people who have received special training in this regard. It is ideal.

The purpose of detailed ultrasonography is to detect congenital defects that may be seen in the baby and to detect anomalies that may occur in some genetic diseases and to perform further examination if necessary. However, despite all these developments in technology, even with the best devices and the most experienced specialists, only 70-80% of congenital defects can be detected.

How is detailed ultrasonography performed?

How is detailed ultrasonography performed? strong>

In detailed ultrasonography; The structure of the uterus, placenta (baby partner) and the baby are systematically reviewed.

The expectant mother is examined from the abdomen while lying on her back. The process takes approximately 15-20 minutes. Following the general evaluation of the baby and routine measurements, the head, neck, rib cage, heart, genital area, arms and legs, and spine are examined in detail, respectively.

What is checked in detailed ultrasonography?

  • The shape, structure, diameter and circumference of the head are measured.

  • Brain cavities, which are intracranial formations, choroid plexus (choroid plexus), midbrain, posterior fossa, lateral ventricles are examined and their measurements are made. . The baby's cerebellum (cerebellum) is seen as a pair of glasses at the back of the brain. The length of this structure usually gives the pregnancy patient. Enlargement of the ventricles or detection of cysts in the choroid plexuses may be important.

  • The baby's general profile, nasal bone, eyeballs and the distances between them are examined. The lens in the baby's eye is monitored on ultrasonography.

  • It is examined whether there is any cyst or mass in the neck. Nuchal translucency can also give clues about genetic diseases during this period.

  • The entire spine is examined from top to bottom and in cross sections to determine whether there is an opening. The entire spine is examined from the neck to the coccyx.

  • The general structure of the heart is examined and it is checked whether there is an abnormality in its beating rate and rhythm. The ventricles and atria (ventricles and atriums) are examined and it is investigated whether there is a mass or an abnormal appearance inside them. It is checked whether there is a hole between the ventricles or atria. The structure of the aorta, the main artery coming from the heart, and the main vessels that carry dirty blood to the lungs are examined.

  • The structure and shape of the rib cage is examined, and it is checked whether the lungs and diaphragm appear normal.

  • The stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder, abdominal wall, the area where the umbilical cord enters the baby and the course of the vessels after entering the baby are examined and the abdominal circumference is measured. In addition, the ultrasound image of the intestines can also give insight into genetic diseases.

  • Arms and legs All bones in the arms and legs are measured. These are the humerus between the shoulder and elbow in the arm, the radius and ulna bones between the elbow and wrist, the femur between the hip and knee, and the tibia and fibula bones between the knee and ankle. The structure of the hands and feet is examined to determine whether there is any number or deformity. For example, the absence of the bone in the middle of the little finger is interpreted in favor of Down syndrome.

  • Many major anomalies can be detected in detailed ultrasonography, but it is not possible to detect all anomalies with 100% accuracy.

    Evaluation of the baby's development with ultrasound It depends on some factors. The most important of these are the mother's body weight and fat amount and the baby's posture in the uterus. In addition, the amount of amniotic fluid also affects the quality of the ultrasound examination. In some cases, the baby's posture may not allow certain areas to be examined. This situation occurs in approximately 10-15% of pregnant women.

    Generally, more than half of the anomalies can be detected by ultrasonography. Accordingly, normal detailed ultrasonography findings do not guarantee that the baby is absolutely healthy.

    Detailed ultrasound is performed with the most advanced ultrasound devices in our hospital, and when necessary, procedures required for advanced examination such as amniocentesis, cordocentesis and CVS can be performed in the presence of relevant specialist physicians.

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