Thyroid Gland Diseases


Goiter is the general name for the enlargement of the thyroid gland for various reasons.

Nodules are lumps formed in the thyroid gland. Nodules can vary in diameter from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. Small nodules remain embedded in the diaper and are not visible when viewed from the outside. Large nodules sometimes reach very large diameters and become visible even when viewed from the front.

Toxic goiter (Hyperthyroidism - Poisonous goiter)

Some of the nodules are inside the thyroid gland, producing thyroid hormone uncontrollably and are popularly known as They cause hyperthyroidism, also known as toxic goiter. The extra thyroid hormones produced uncontrollably by the overactive nodule can disrupt the entire balance of the body. Patients are angry, restless and sleepless. Excessive sweating, weight loss and palpitations are observed.


Which thyroid nodules should be biopsied?


All nodules detected in the thyroid gland are biopsied. It is not necessary to perform a biopsy.


So what is a nodule that carries cancer risk?


  . A nodule with unclear and irregular borders


  . It contains microcalcifications nodule


  .Chaotic blood flow inside the nodule


  .Pathological-looking lymph nodes accompanying the nodule

  .Sudden-rapid growth in the existing nodule


  .Having received radiation to the head and neck area in the past (Ex: due to childhood cancers..)


  .A family history of thyroid cancer


A biopsy is required for nodules below or above 1 cm that have one or more of these features. .




What is thyroid biopsy, how is it done, will I feel pain?


Thyroid biopsy; It is performed without the need for USG for large palpable nodules, and with USG guidance for small non-palpable nodules. Bloodletting as we know it, Syringes used during injection are used. The procedure is no different from having a blood draw or injection in terms of pain. There is no unbearable pain. A needle is inserted into the suspicious nodule observed in the thyroid gland located in the front of the neck and a piece is removed. It is a short-term process. When done by experienced people, it takes a few minutes. You can continue your work and social life immediately after the procedure. There are no serious complications.


Does every thyroid nodule require surgery, who needs surgery?


Everyone with a thyroid nodule needs surgery. not recommended. Situations that may require surgery are as follows:


  1.If there is suspicion of malignancy in the biopsy or if malignancy is diagnosed


  2.If the nodule is in the breath and esophagus If it causes shortness of breath or difficulty swallowing, which we call compression symptoms, by applying pressure


  3.If the thyroid gland is enlarged too much and causes an aesthetically bad appearance in the neck area

  4.If toxic goiter cannot be controlled with medical treatment


Complications that may develop after thyroid surgery and follow-up process


Thyroid surgeries are of two types: surgeries in which the entire thyroid gland is removed and surgeries in which a part of the gland is removed.


After the surgery in which the thyroid gland is completely removed, which we call total thyroidectomy, the organ that produces thyroid hormone in the body is removed. Since it will be eliminated, external hormone supplementation is required. Patients who undergo total thyroidectomy surgery must use ready-made thyroid preparation for the rest of their lives. During the first year after the surgery, the hormone level in the body is checked at short intervals to determine the appropriate dose of medication to be used. Your doctor will determine your postoperative follow-up period and follow-up intervals specifically for you. Thyroid diseases should be closely monitored, especially in women planning pregnancy, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, because thyroid hormone is vital for the development of the baby.


Subtotal thyroiditis, in which a part of the thyroid gland is removed. Extra hormone use is generally not required after idectomy surgeries.

One of the complications that may develop after surgery is calcium metabolism disorder. Since the parathyroid glands, which regulate the calcium balance in the body, are normally located very close to the thyroid gland, they may be temporarily or permanently damaged during surgery. Temporary damage develops due to trauma-related edema and blood circulation disorders in the parathyroid glands and recovers completely over time. Permanent damage occurs when all 4 parathyroid glands are damaged or accidentally removed. Permanent hypocalcemia, that is, low calcium, that develops as a result of this causes the person to depend on calcium medications for life.


Another complication is the damage that may occur in the nerve leading to the vocal cords. Since this nerve is in very close proximity to the thyroid gland, there is a possibility of injury during surgery. Hoarseness may develop in unilateral nerve injury, and serious respiratory distress problems may develop in bilateral nerve injury.


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