Sebaceous Gland Diseases

Sebaceous Gland Diseases Various diseases occur due to the underactivity of the sebaceous glands, excessive sebum production, and inflammation.


Occurs when the sebaceous glands work less than normal. It is a skin disease. It can usually be seen with old age, hypothyroidism or another disease.

The skin is flaky and dry. A decrease in skin elasticity and softness and a loss of resistance develop. In this type of skin, there is a decrease in acid mantle production due to the decrease in sebum production, and the skin loses oil. These skins age earlier and lose their water. Oil-based products should be used. Itching and cracks occur in this type of skin, especially in cold weather.


It is the excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Sebum and keratin completely cover the inside of the oil follicles.

The pores in the skin become clogged. The tendency to acne increases. Especially during adolescence, the sebaceous glands become overactive as a result of hormonal activity. This type of skin should be cleaned frequently and correctly with oil-free (water-based) products, and the pores (of the skin) should be opened. Oily products and powders that may clog the pores should never be used and antisepsis should be taken into consideration.

Acne Comedone

It occurs as a result of sebum and keratin filling the oil follicles. The sebum and keratin in the part of the fat follicle that opens to the outside turns grayish black as a result of the oxidation of the air.

It is not infected. It can be squeezed and taken out, but there is a danger that the blocked plug will be pushed into the follicle while squeezing. During this period, there is a risk of scarring and infection on the skin.

Acne Vulgaris

It is an inflammatory disease that occurs as a result of sebum and keratin filling the fat follicles. It continues with the appearance of blackhead papules and pastules.

Bacteria infects the sebum and causes inflammation. Red papules then turn into yellow-headed pastules. If the oil follicle outlet is closed, the newly produced sebum does not come out but is pushed deeper. This causes cystic structures and infection to progress. Scars, pits and bumps may remain on the skin. This spoils the appearance of the skin. It should never be squeezed, the skin is free from oil. must be purified. Pores-closing products should not be used, water-based products should be preferred and antiseptic solutions should be used. Acne vulgaris is more common in adolescence due to the increase in sebum as a result of hormonal activity and can continue until the age of thirty. Although many factors are effective in causing acne vulgaris, four main factors are important.

  • Increase in sebum production, overactivity of the sebaceous glands as a result of hormonal activity or a disorder in the body.

  • Hypercornification of the duct, increased keratin flakes and keratinocyte adhesion on the skin. It clogs the pores and follicles and causes the secretion to be expelled. The reason is not an infection, but the lack of linoleic acid.

  • Microbial flora, beneficial and harmful bacteria in the body, are found in healthy skin. As a result of the deterioration of the resistance of the skin (O2, pressure PH ub), a decrease in some bacteria is observed. Infection of the sebaceous gland is observed.

  • Inflammation: Proteolic enzymes produced by bacteria provide cellular migration to the site of the event. And cellular condensation appears in the infection area.

  • Other factors in the formation of acne vulgaris

  • Heredity

  • Diet

  • Menstrual cycle

  • Excessive sweating

  • Stress

  • Acne Rosacea

    It is a chronic skin disease that affects the nose, cheeks and forehead. It is common in light-skinned and middle-aged women.

    It creates symmetrical butterfly shapes on the skin. Initially, erythema or papules appear on the facial skin. Over time, permanent erythema, papulpustules and rodules appear. The sebaceous glands enlarge and the nose may swell. Spicy foods, tea, coffee and alcohol can aggravate the situation. Salon treatment is not possible, it requires medical treatment.

    Cyst Sebaceous

    It is a slow-growing cyst containing fatty material and keratinous substances, which is most often seen on the scalp, ears, face and back. It is a slow-growing benign skin tumor of cystic nature. The treatment is surgery.


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