A person's nutritional habits play a big role in stone formation. Therefore, it seems possible to prevent stone formation by paying attention to your diet. Dietary recommendations that cause or prevent stone formation in a person are listed below:
•Drinking plenty of fluids (2.5 liters per day), mainly water, prevents stone formation.
•It is necessary to avoid sugary and acidic drinks that will disrupt the acid-base balance in the urine. Citrate drinks generally prevent stone formation.
•Grapefruit, orange and apple juice may increase the risk of stone disease. On the other hand, pure lemon juice is protective against calcium stones due to the citric acid it contains.
•Not consuming milk and dairy products increases the risk of stone formation. Therefore, diets lacking calcium should not be applied. Foods such as milk, yoghurt and cheese should also be consumed in reasonable amounts.
•Choosing foods with plenty of fiber reduces the risk of stone formation.
•Beets containing high oxalates. You should not over-consume foods such as soy, black tea, chocolate, cocoa, dried figs, black pepper, hazelnuts, parsley, poppy seeds, spinach, strawberries and blackberries.
•Uric. To prevent acid stones, it is necessary to restrict the consumption of offal-type foods and meat containing purines.
•Reducing salt consumption also reduces the risk of stone formation.
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