Tests used in psychology are a subject that is quite curious and includes some misconceptions.
Psychological tests, like tests used in other sciences, enable us to reach a conclusion by providing the opportunity to compare with the average results of other people. For example, in cases of physical diseases, blood values can be seen through a blood test and some comments can be made based on this. Similarly, with the tests used in psychology, comments can be made about the person's inner world or mental level.
Today, various psychological tests are used by experts to understand the inner world of a person in more detail. These tests are generally grouped according to age groups and the information they provide. Generally, tests are grouped as Intelligence Tests, Developmental Screening Tests, Attention and Neuropsychological Tests, Projective Tests, Personality Tests. Tests are applied by mutual decision of the specialist and the client. Below you will find explanations of some of the tests frequently performed by experts in clinics.
MMPI: It consists of 566 items and is determined by the individual as true or false. It is a test that he answers. Answering the question varies between 1 and 2 hours in the clinical environment, depending on the person's speed. With this test, the individual's personal and social adaptation is evaluated. It evaluates personality on the basis of basic psychiatric diagnostic groups and also provides detailed information about the person's basic personality tendencies.
Rorschach: Also known as the ink stain, this The test addresses the individual's dynamic personal characteristics. The application varies between 10 minutes and 1 hour depending on the individual.
TAT: The individual is expected to create a story by showing certain visuals in order to make sense of his inner world and dynamics. Depending on the individual, the application may take 10 minutes or 1 hour.
Attention tests (Neuropsychological tests): 20 minutes, depending on the client. with 40 min. Attention skills are measured by neuropsychological evaluation over a period of time ranging from . As a result, a graph and report can be produced and information can be given.
Other scales
Wisc-IV (old version WISC –R): 6 It is used between the ages of –16. The IQ score or score range is the test obtained. WISC-IV test generally consists of subtests that measure mental skills. During the test, the child is asked to answer some questions or do some things. The application varies between 60 minutes and 120 minutes.
Attention tests: Attention skills are measured by neuropsychological evaluation in a period ranging from 20 minutes to 40 minutes, depending on the client. As a result, a graph and report can be produced and information can be given.
Gesual Development Test: It is applied by asking the child to draw certain figures according to his age. Information is obtained about the general development level according to age. Application time is approximately 15 minutes.
Goodenough Harris Draw a Human Picture Test: The child is asked to draw a picture of a person according to his age. Information is obtained about the general development level according to age. Application time is approximately 30 minutes.
Agte:In evaluating the development of 0-6 year old children, various questions are asked to the family and scoring is made based on the information received. On the other hand, the specialist also observes the child. Ideally, mother, father and child are present together during the application. The child's development is evaluated in the areas of language development, mental skills, small-muscle development, large-muscle development, social development and self-care skills.
A Projective Family or Person Draw Test:A projective interpretation is made by asking the child to draw a picture of a family or a person.
Beier Sentence Completion Test:This test is a semi-projective test. It is a test. In this test, the individual tries to complete the missing sentences. Information is obtained about the individual's inner world through the answers given without thinking, as quickly as possible.
CAT: The child is asked to create a story with certain cards. With these stories, the child's inner world is tried to be understood. The application takes 10 minutes depending on the individual. It may vary between 1 and 1 hour.
Other tests
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