Continuously high blood insulin level paves the way for degenerative diseases that may occur in the future (diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, chronic arthritis, Alzheimer's, fibromyositis, polycystic breast disease, polycystic ovary disease). Fat continues to accumulate in and around all our organs. Fat has accumulated in the legs, hips, liver, heart, kidneys and abdomen. Even if weight is lost in a short time by fasting, it is not possible to reduce body fat as long as this insulin and leptin resistance continues. Breaking insulin and leptin resistance is possible with lifestyle and nutritional changes. We can list the elements of this new lifestyle as follows.
Consuming Low Glycemic Index Foods:
Glycemic index (GI) is calculated according to the amount of carbohydrates in any food. GI indicates the speed at which a food containing carbohydrates increases blood sugar when it is digested and passes into the blood.
The glycemic index
Those between 70-100 are high,
Those between 50-70 are considered medium,
Those between 0-55 are considered low glycemic index.
The glycemic index of refined, milled grains and processed ready-made foods is also very high, like sugar, and is considered to be 100. All factory-refined foods are naturally stripped of their beneficial fibres, fats and vitamins to extend their shelf life. Since the fibers of these processed products are destroyed, they quickly pass through the stomach, reach the small intestine and are absorbed immediately before reaching the last part of the intestine, causing the intestines to empty in a short time. As a result, some hormones are secreted from these organs that convey the message that the stomach and intestines are emptied. This creates a feeling of hunger and a desire to eat. Foods with high GI are absorbed in a short time and quickly increase our blood sugar and therefore blood insulin levels. This is the most important reason for the development of insulin resistance, which we explained above.
Shortly after a perfect meal, discomfort such as extreme hunger, stomach upset, and the desire to eat sweets to eliminate this are the most important causes of insulin and leptin resistance. is the indicator. This vicious circle Breaking it as soon as possible is very important for you to lose weight. Contrary to the foods above, when you consume foods with low GI, their digestion time in our stomach and intestines will be longer due to the coarse and natural fibers they contain, therefore the time it takes to pass into the blood and the rate of increasing blood sugar and blood insulin levels will be slower. As a result, the feeling of hunger will appear later. Since the leptin hormone will be secreted during this period, the energy we need will be provided from our stored fats.
By consuming all carbohydrates with low GI and proteins and fats with zero GI, a feeling of fullness occurs for 3-4 hours. When diabetic patients eat low-GI carbohydrates and do not eat pastries or fruits frequently, their blood sugar control is easier and healthier.
When we eat this way, we use the fat accumulated in our belly and the fat in our internal organs as snacks. Our weight gradually decreases. Since the blood insulin level will be normal, the emergence of degenerative diseases that may occur in the future (blood pressure, heart, sugar, arthritis, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia, etc.) is also prevented.
The glycemic index values of our foods depend on the way the food is cooked. It also varies depending on the . A food with a low GI value when eaten raw may have a higher GI value when cooked. The reason for this is that the fibers contained in the food are absorbed faster from the intestines and pass into the blood faster due to the breakdown during cooking.
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