What is Comfort Zone, How Can I Get Out of Comfort Zone?

Comfort Zone is a place where a person feels good, comfortable and safe. This area is a psychological area where things are very familiar to the person, they can easily control everything and they do not take risks.

So comfort zone is an area that one knows by heart, but unfortunately, development and learning do not take place in this area. If we want to start something, do something based on development and learning, we need to get out of the comfort zone.

How can we do this?


1 . Decide

In order to get out of the safe area, you need to be determined first because this safe area can pull you in at the slightest roughness. Of course, you will encounter difficulties, obstacles and failures, especially when you decide something and just start. The comfort zone will call you back at these times. You need to be determined to stand up to it.

2. Don't delay

Take action instead of waiting for the right moment to come, because unfortunately we have nothing to indicate when the right moment is. Otherwise, we may have just lost time while waiting for the right time.

3. Gain Experience from Defeats

The defeats you experience can of course lower your morale and mood, this is normal, but the important thing is to think and plan where you made a mistake and what you can do to avoid repeating it, instead of constantly staying in that mode and dragging yourself down. Remember that every defeat you encounter will make you a little more professional on that path.

4. Stay Away From People Who Bring You Down

If there are people around you who are accustomed to staying in too many comfort zones, you won't be able to cross your invisible circle because of their reaction to the things you do, the decisions you make. Therefore, stay away from people who bring you down and bring you down about the things you do or want to do. Instead, choose people who show a logical and supportive approach.

5. Keep Going

Developing and learning is not an easy and fast process. Whether you experience defeat or achieve success, the only constant rule is to keep moving forward. As you progress, you will believe in yourself and what you can do more.

From your comfort zone Coming out is not an easy process, but once you get out, you will taste what real freedom is.

Remember! Development and learning only happen when you step out of your comfort zone.

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