Atherosclerosis disease does not only affect the heart vessels. Vascular stenosis or occlusion may occur anywhere in the circulatory system. Carotid artery and leg vein occlusions are the most common. In such diseases, balloon/stent procedure or surgery can be performed accompanied by angiography. In some cases, one part of the vein is stented in the same session, and the other part needs to be bypassed.
Vascular diseases are the field of cardiovascular surgery. Your surgeon must be familiar with both angiography and vascular surgery. Thus, he can perform the least traumatic and definitive solution for you.
Carotid Vein Surgeries
Brain circulation occurs through two jugular veins (carotid arteries) going from the front of the neck and vertebral arteries going from the back (going from both sides of the spine).
There are two carotid artery stenosis. There is a danger;
A piece of the stenosis throws into the brain vessel, causing temporary or permanent brain damage (embolism).
If the vessel is completely blocked. paralysis occurs.
If the vascular occlusion is above a certain level (>70%), it is necessary to open it with a stent or surgery.
Vessel stenosis is most easily diagnosed with vascular ultrasound (Doppler). However, in order to make an intervention, it is necessary to see and plan with angiography (MRI, CT or classical angiography).
More than half of the patients with severe stenosis in the carotid artery have cardiovascular stenosis. There are also. It is important to perform cardiac angiography before carotid artery surgery, both to avoid having a heart attack during neck surgery and for early diagnosis of stenosis in the heart vessels.
In appropriate cases, stenting can be performed. However, especially if the shape of the stenosis is not suitable, the risk of getting pieces of the stenosis in the brain and paralysis during the stent procedure is higher than during surgery.
During the surgery, the inside of the carotid artery is opened, the stenosis is cleaned, and the vessel is widened and closed with a patch. .
You cannot stay in intensive care after the surgery. You will be taken to your patient room after an hour.
The next day and Either you will be discharged after two days.
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