Obesity Risk Increases

Today, obesity is an important health problem not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. Our eating habits and food choices are the most important reasons. In short, obesity; It can be defined as excess fat accumulation in the body. When we consume more calories than we need from food, they are stored as fat in the body. Today's people avoid physical activity, stay inactive for hours in front of the phone, computer or television, while constantly eating high-calorie snacks. With the increase in means of transportation, people walk less, and with the intense penetration of technological tools into our lives, they work less. On the other hand, the fact that we, as a society, do not have the habit of doing sports is one of the main factors.

The aim of Obesity Surgery is not only to lose weight, but also, most importantly, to treat many diseases related to excess weight such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea and gait disorders.

Medicana Int. Samsun Hospital General Surgery Specialist Dr. Lecturer Member Kerim Güzel answered your questions about Obesity Surgery.

Who is Obesity Surgery Suitable for?

Surgical treatment of obesity may be suitable for people who have applied all treatment methods such as diet, exercise and medication, but have not been successful. The patient must be evaluated by all relevant units before undergoing a surgical procedure and must be suitable for surgery in terms of anesthesia. Patient selection is made according to body mass index. If the body mass index is over 40, the patient can be operated on. If it is between 35 and 40, if it has an additional disease (such as hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea syndrome, high triglyceride heart disease, hypoventilation syndrome, fatty liver), if its body mass index is between 30 and 35, it is Type 2 Diabetes where blood sugar cannot be controlled with medical treatments. surgery may be recommended to patients.


Before Obesity Surgery

First of all, the person is examined in detail by surgeons. After the doctor decides whether the patient is suitable for surgery or not, he informs the patient about obesity surgery. After the patient's consent is obtained, the cardiologist, pulmonologists, psychologist It is also evaluated by anesthesiologists, endocrinology and metabolic diseases. In addition, the patient undergoes gastric endoscopy, abdominal ultrasonography and many laboratory tests before the surgery.

How is Obesity Surgery Performed?

Surgeries are performed by an experienced surgical team using laparoscopic (closed) method under general anesthesia. After the surgery is completed, depending on the patient's condition and the recommendation of the anesthesiologist, the patient may sometimes be taken to intensive care for one night for observation. Patients who are excluded from this situation are sent to their rooms when they fully wake up from anesthesia.

After Obesity Surgery

Patients should be careful after the surgery in order to get rid of obesity and achieve a healthy and quality life. The treatment process continues after the necessary checks are made at the hospital and the patient is discharged. The diet program deemed appropriate by the dietician and the surgeon performing the surgery should be carefully followed by the patient. The patient should not exercise or skip regular check-ups during the periods specified by the doctor.


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