Yes! Report cards were received. While some students received successful grades, some students received unsuccessful grades. One of the most common mistakes parents make is that their children get failing grades; resorting to verbal violence, giving punishment, and comparing oneself with one's peers. Negative attitudes and behaviors that families show to their children; It may cause your child's self-development and lack of self-confidence.

It should not be forgotten that no failure is more important than your child's.

The report card period is one of the most troublesome periods for your children. While some students are happy, some students experience stress and anxiety when they receive failing grades. While they are already experiencing enough stress and anxiety, this may increase with your reaction and negatively affect your child, or it may decrease and show your belief in him/her and become more motivated in the next period. It is important to note that some wounds are invisible. It leaves more serious scars than physical wounds. Do not cause serious wounds in your child's soul.

Your child has just survived a stressful and long marathon. Give him the opportunity to relax so that he does not become more disinterested and fun-hungry during the spring semester.

Another issue that needs to be taken into consideration is that there is a one-month period in between. For this reason, your children's sleep patterns may be disrupted. Children whose sleep patterns are disrupted may experience sleep problems in the next school term. What needs to be done is to make sure that they sleep at the same time they sleep during the school term.

After the holiday, parents and children's leave can be a complete torture. Families can ruin the holidays for their children, even without asking for permission to better prepare them for their lessons. Do not impose prohibitions on your child! Allow TV, computer, phone and digital games for certain hours per day. Prepare programs that will satisfy both you and your child. Do this together so that your child realizes that he is important and that you take him into consideration.

Your child may forget what he learned in the previous period during the holiday. That's why teachers give "homework". Annal; It is to make the information permanent by ensuring that the information is not forgotten and the lessons are repeated regularly. However, this does not allow long s If a short and regular program is implemented instead of hours, your child will be able to study without getting bored. In this way, you will allow your child to study without getting bored or overwhelmed, and you will create a feeling of "trust" by creating the feeling of being watched.

Family travels and activities done together during the holiday period are extremely important for your child's development and mental health. Considering the activities your child likes, reading books, studying, physical activities, travels, artistic activities that will help your child observe and explore, etc. can be organized.

Mentally, physically and spiritually during the holiday time. to rest and rejuvenate; Permission is necessary to start a new era more energetically and vigorously.

You parents, of course, want the best for your children and strive for it.

You should not forget that; Your child is now an individual who can think, reason and express these things. When you talk to him/her, you should express your mutual requests, suggestions and criticisms together. While this will be extremely effective for his development, it will also help you understand the mistakes you have made without realizing it.

Remember!! Children are like unfrozen concrete; Whatever falls on them leaves its mark.

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